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Michael J. Hannah, Los Ranchos, NM.
Customizing TMG™
Source Templates My Way ©MJH
• Overview: Style, (ShortFootnote, FullFootnote, Bibliography)
Second Site automatic treatment of URL sources
• Comments on special groups of Source Types:
Book Source Types, Census Records, Church Records, Government Records, Marriage Records, Obituaries
• Alphabetical List of only those Source Types which I currently use:
Census, Church Combined Compilation, Church Combined Register, Church Event Certificate, Church Event Compilation, Church Event Register, City (or County) Directory, Correspondence, Electronic Database, Electronic Database-FindAGrave, Employment Record, Family Group Sheet, Government Combined Compilation, Government Combined Register, Government Event Certificate, Government Event Compilation, Government Event Register, International Genealogical Index, Interview, LDS Patron Sheets, LDS Pedigree Resource, Manuscript, Miscellaneous, Obituary/Newspaper Article, Passenger List, Photograph, Published Location work, Published work, Records (MultiVolume), School Record, SSDI
• Alphabetical List of all the various Source Types described and their Templates:
Ancestral File™, Ancestral File(MJH), Article(Journal), Article(Serialized), Baptismal Certificate, Baptismal Record, Baptismal Register, Bible Record, Bibliography Only, Birth Certificate, Birth Church Register, Birth Register, Birth Registration(Local), Birth Registration(State), Book(Authored), Burial Cemetery Register, Burial Certificate, Burial Church Register, Census, Church Combined Compilation, Church Combined Register, Church Event Certificate, Church Event Compilation, Church Event Register, City (or County) Directory, City (or County) Directory(MJH), Computer Software, Correspondence, DAR Records, Death Certificate, Death Church Register, Death Register, Death Registration, Deed, Diary, Dissertation, E-Mail Message, Electronic Database, Electronic Database(MJH), Electronic Database-FindAGrave, ElectronicFile, Electronic Web Site, Electronically Published, Employment Record, Family Group Sheet, Family Group Sheet(MJH), Family History Library, Forced Commentary, Government Certificate, Government Combined Compilation, Government Combined Register, Government Document, Government Event Certificate, Government Event Compilation, Government Event Register, Government Register, International Genealogical Index, International Genealogical Index(MJH), Interview, Interview(MJH), Law, LDS Patron Sheets, LDS Pedigree Resource, Lecture, Legal Case, Letter, Lineage Application, Manuscript, Manuscript(MJH), Map, Marriage Certificate, Marriage Church Register, Marriage Register, Military, Miscellaneous, National Archives, Naturalization, Obituary/Newspaper Article, Obituary/Newspaper Item, Obituary/Newspaper Lumped, Passenger List, Pension File, Periodical, Photograph, Probate, Published Location work, Published work, Published work-combined, Records (MultiVolume), Research Report, School Record, Series, Social Security Death Index, SSDI(MJH), Syllabus, Tax Roll, Thesis, Town Record, Translated Work, Video, Vital Record, Will
• Other miscellaneous ideas about possible source templates.
• Endnotes
A Source Type defines master Source Templates which are used as the basis for defining individual Sources which can have multiple Source Citations. Source Types, Source Elements, and Sources are unique to a given data set within a TMG project. The Source Templates of a specific Source define output sentence Patterns (FullFootnote, ShortFootnote, Bibliography) for TMG reports to use to arrange the information you provide in the Source Element data entry fields for that Source to construct these three output forms. The final output structure of source citations for publication can be dictated by the editor of a publication, and there are numerous commonly accepted structures, often differing greatly, that are considered standard in specific topic areas and professional fields. Commonly referenced guides to citation output structure for genealogy publications are by Elizabeth Shown Mills1, and the default customizable source templates within TMG were based and interpreted by Wholly Genes somewhat2 on her publications. While influenced by their comments and examples, my templates do not attempt to match her publications. My main goals are to construct citations that make it clear what I saw and make it clear how someone else might find that same information again. I choose to follow the general guidelines for the Humanities Style in the Chicago Manual of Style3 which Ms. Mills states is also the “root” for her examples4. A recognized guide for citing government documents, such as census records, is often referred to as the Garner citation style5. And the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has developed its own citation style, which both I and Ms. Mills6 choose to simplify for U.S. census citations.7
You may customize source templates in TMG only if you have chosen to use Custom source categories in Preferences > Current Project Options > Other. You may create a new custom Source Type or change an existing Source Type’s output Templates (which affects all Sources using that Source Type) by the Tools>SourceTypes menu. A custom Source Type may have a name of a max 66 characters. When you create a new Source Type you may specify which Standard Source Type this new type “is most similar to”. Once a Source Type is created the “is most similar to” cannot be changed. Copying an existing Source Type will create an identical new type with a number appended to the name. Although I usually don’t recommend it, an output Pattern for a single source may also be modified from the Source Type default in the Output Forms tab of that one source’s Source Definition. To recover the default template, simply delete all of that custom template Pattern. The source template marked “primary” is used by TMG as the default template when one is not otherwise specified, such as GEDCOM Import. By default this is “Book (Authored)”. See also the discussion about merging sources in the Import/Export chapter.
The uniqueness (“lumping” or “splitting”) of a source in the Master Source List is dependent upon the source template and its defined source elements. Different values for a defined element require separate source entries in the MSL. Many of these source templates are my own custom templates (with acknowledgments to the original TMG templates based on Mills’ publications and to TMG user Lee Hoffman8), with more to come as I encounter more source types in my research. Their designs are primarily based on which TMG fields I prefer to store/enter data, and especially to balance the number of separate documented sources versus separate dataset sources and their need for different template structures.
The style of these three source templates also reflect my personal preference to range from the least to the most detail, from Short Footnote through Full Footnote to Bibliography. My principle is for the Short Footnote to be just barely enough to refer back to the Full Footnote (or maybe find the Bibliographic entry), and the Full Footnote to be just enough to clearly identify the source and find its more complete Bibliographic (Source List) annotated entry. My personal style intentionally differs from the principle cited by Ms. Mills which focuses on the first reference note9 (full footnote), however this focus on the bibliograpy entry being the most complete entry is recognized by the Chicago Manual of Style.10 I have adopted this style since I almost always include a Bibliography with any TMG report. As examples of this heirarchy of detail, I usually include the [PUBLISHER] information and the [REPOSITORY] in the Bibliographic entry and not in the Full Footnote, and always reserve the [REPOSITORY ADDRESS] for the Bibliography, as well as generally include source annotations in [ANNOTATION] (my custom alias for the source element [COMMENTS]) as part of the Bibliographic entry.
This heirarchy of the three types of TMG source templates also works for me in Second Site, as I use the Full, then Short Footnote for citations on the person’s web page, and the Bibliographic format for the entry on the hyperlinked master Source Page. While a standard Second Site Source Page somewhat mimics a TMG Bibliography in its reports, there are some unavoidable differences between a true Bibliography as produced by a TMG report, and a standard Second Site source page with entries using the Bibliographic format. As the Second Site Help page describing Data Section / Sources Section explains:
“…choosing “Bibliography” for either the Citation Sentence or the Source Sentence does not produce a bibliography; it only changes the citation sentence or the source sentence to use the source’s bibliography sentence.”
As a second difference involves a special feature of a TMG Bibliography which does not occur in Second Site Source Pages. If the bibliography sentences of multiple completely different Source Definitions would produce the identical text, TMG will merge them into a single bibliography entry. In contrast each Second Site source page entry always includes its Source Definition Number even if the (rest of the) sentence text is identical, thus causing every entry to differ at least in that respect.
Sorting a Bibliography Geographically
A major difference from a standard Bibliography is that the entries on standard automatic Second Site Source Page(s) are linked to and sorted by TMG’s Source Definition Number. Further, Source Page entries may be split into multiple web pages. This set of pages contain entries as encountered in the making of the site, not based on a range of Source Definition Numbers, and each has its own separate numeric sort of the entries within that page. Since Bibliographies in TMG reports are produced as a single list sorted across all source entries, which is the standard for a Bibliography,11 I have chosen to set the Second Site options to produce a single Source page. Then I invoke a custom post-processing program which (among other things) resorts that one Source Page’s entries by their entry text, not their TMG Source Definition Number. Note that in the case of entries with otherwise identical sentence texts, while they won’t merge to a single entry my custom sorting now will group such Second Site entries together, but they will be in a random order within their group.
Because of this custom way to cause the Second Site Source List to also sort the Bibliography entries across all sources like TMG, I prefer to customize the format of several Source Type Bibliography templates to expect and make use of this geographic sort.12 But adopting this sort order introduces an issue with entering “locations” in TMG. For footnotes the typical output of a location is in order from its smallest locale to its largest: e.g. “Bluffton, Wells County, Indiana”. However, for a geographical entry in a bibliography the standard output is the reverse, in order from its largest locale to its smallest: e.g. “Indiana, Wells County, Bluffton”. The only way I have found to cause these two different location output orders and formats in footnotes versus in the bibliography in both TMG and Second Site is to dedicate two separate Source Elements for locations and manually enter the location twice:13 once in some alias of the [LOCATION] element where all locales of the entire location are entered smallest to largest, and repeated in some alias of the [SECOND LOCATION] element where all locales of the entire location are entered largest to smallest.
I choose to separate both lists of locales by commas even though this has implications to the sort order of these bibliographic entries.14 I already used a geographical order for bibliographic entries for most governmental sources as it was natural and common practice, so now even more bibliography entries sort intermingled with them. Mills recommends15 to treat a church as the “author” of a source of original church records. I do structure the footnotes in that manner, but prefer the accepted alternate format for the bibliography entry so it will sort even these sources geographically. I find having them grouped with other records from that geographic location more useful for a genealogy site bibliography. This change also required deleting and redefining my custom [CHURCH] Source Element from previously being defined as a [SECOND LOCATION] alias to now being a [SUBJECT] alias, since aliases in both the Location and Second Location groups now are required for source records using these geographic bibliographic entries.
Second Site automatic treatment of URL sources
From the very early days of its development the Second Site program included an extremely useful feature to search citation and source entries for text strings which appear to be URLs in text and which will be visible when output. When it finds one, it automatically turns the URL into an HTML hyperlink with the URL itself becoming the clickable link text. Later versions of the TMG program added the [WEB:][:WEB] codes for use throughout TMG text which in their simplest one-parameter form do the same thing. However these TMG WEB codes are not needed in source entries if all that is desired is a hyperlink on this source URL text. Further the TMG WEB codes in their simplest one-parameter form should never be included in source entries since they will output the URL as their visible link text. If this simplest form is used in a source entry, that URL link text will be recognized by Second Site as a URL which will then duplicate the hyperlink. If a user desires to use TMG WEB codes in source entries, they should always include both the URL and a second parameter as the link text which does not look like a URL.
Second Site does not search in source entries for an apparent URL in text within TMG codes that would make the text not visible when output on any of its created web pages. Examples of such hidden text are text within some of the TMG embedded format codes such as a two parameter WEB code, HTML and SS-HID codes. Second Site also does not search within any non-source text which will output, such as tag narrative output, only within source text. Therefore if hyperlinks are desired within non-source text the user must include the appropriate codes.
As an added Second Site feature which makes its automatic handling of URLs in source entries even more useful, if the option “Data // Sources // Truncate Long URLs” is checked, Second Site will truncate the clickable link text of a long URL which it finds in source text and turns into an HTML hyperlink. It will append an ellipsis (“…”) to that truncated link text to indicate it has been truncated. Truncating such URL text prevents long link text from disrupting page formatting because such text does not wrap at the container border. This option only truncates the clickable link text of a URL found in a source entry which Second Site automatically turns into an HTML hyperlink.
This automatic handling of URLs in source entries by Second Site greatly simplifies entering such sources. The user need only enter the text of a URL in any source field whose Source Definition output form template will cause that text to be visible, and it will become a hyperlink. This could be text entered in the Source template itself, in a Source Definition Element of that source, or entered in some Citation field of a citation to a tag such as the CD or CM. So long as the source template will output that URL as text which will be visible on the web page, the user is not required to learn or understand the HTML codes necessary for this URL text to become a hyperlink to that web page. Second Site will do this automatically.
In some special cases the user may wish to customize the hyperlink to a URL in a source entry by having some text other than the URL itself as the clickable link text, or by adding additional HTML options to the hyperlink. If this customization is desired then the user must include the appropriate HTML codes. In the simplest case if the user just wants to output something other than the URL itself as the clickable text, then the two-parameter TMG WEB codes will do that. But if complete HTML codes are desired, that will require knowledge of those codes and is often error prone.
Complete HTML codes are required if special HTML options are desired as part of the hyperlink. For example if the Second Site format chosen produces frames, some sites (such as FindAGrave) will produce a security error from a hyperlink which would cause their web page to open within a frame. My FindAGrave specific source templates are examples of adding the special extra HTML option target=“_blank” which will avoid this error by forcing the FindAGrave page to open in its own window. It also should be noted that the HTML community has deprecated the use of frames for various reasons, and web site design experts do not endorse using them. Thus Second Site users should consider whether to continue to use those formats.
Warning: just like needing to use a two-parameter WEB code, if you add your own complete HTML codes for a source entry do not cause the URL itself to be visible when output as or within the clickable link text. Instead choose some other descriptive link text. Since a viewer of the site will be able to see the full URL when they “mouse over” the clickable text, the URL does not need to be the clickable text for a user to be able to see it. However just like with a one-parameter WEB code, if the URL is made to be visible when output as or within the clickable link text then Second Site will recognize it as URL text and automatically add its own HTML codes. Second Site’s HTML code will override the user’s complete HTML codes and if that Second Site option is set your URL as link text may even be truncated. With the use of appropriate TMG codes such as [HTML:][:HTML], [HID:][:HID], [SS:][:SS] and [SS-HID:][:SS-HID] codes, the user can construct custom output which will cause the URL text to visably output in TMG reports, while also including enhanced HTML codes for Second Site to link to the site but which do not output the URL as link text. This can be complicated but my source template examples mentioned above will do just that.
To identify the custom source element names I have added to various source element groups, see my list of Source Elements. As for which elements I use, most of my templates take into consideration that there are some source elements always present for input in TMG whether or not the element appears in a default citation template, so I choose to always include such elements in my templates. For example, I always make use of the [TITLE] element in the templates as it is always provided for input for every source whether specified in the templates or not. If I make Title unconditional I usually define an unconditional [SHORT TITLE] for use in the Short Footnote since due to its nature Short Title will simply output the Title text if it is empty. In such cases I use a conditonal [SHORT TITLE] in the Full Footnote since entering text (different than Title) in that element is actually optional as long as Title has text. Finally, if this element has text I prefer Cited as in the Full Footnote to identify the [SHORT TITLE] rather than Hereinafter cited as simply as less stilted English (to my ear).
In addition to [CD], I always include [CM] as a separate sentence as the last optional element in both FF and SS as it is also always available for input as part of the citation. However, I don’t include [CREF] in the templates as I (sometimes) use that for identifying where in my filing system I stored my personal notes, or photocopy, or original source document that produced this citation. As this is of little use to others and I can always look it up myself directly in TMG, I do not print it. In the same vein I always include [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] as optional elements in the bibliography template as again these are always available for input. Unlike [CREF], I use the [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] for the data for where the source is found in that repository and this would help others find the reference in that repository, so if I know it I include it. When appropriate I try to provide some annotations to my bibliography entries16 to describe my impression of the work, its condition and/or usefulness to my research. Thus I always have [ANNOTATION] as an optional element since its field is always available for input on the Supplemental tab. I always enter [ANNOTATION] (my custom alias for the [COMMENTS] source element) as complete separate sentences but with no ending period and put this element at the end of only the bibliography template. If you choose to include [COMMENTS] in FF as has been done in some template examples I have seen, remember it will only print once per report (the first time it is cited or as the unique footnote).
Remember that all names in “people” source element groups should be entered “surname, given”, with multiple names in the same field each entered in that structure separated by semicolons, so that TMG can automatically select and order the parts of the names. Because of this automated behavior with these elements, I try never to use a source element from a “people” group (Author, Compiler, Editor, Second Person, Subject) as a field that might otherwise contain a comma or semicolon.17 For usage, and ways to avoid the automatic selection/ordering, see my separate discussion of “people” source element groups.
My source templates often leave out some detail fields others choose to include in a template, such as page or item number, etc. I tend to put this kind of information in the Citation Detail field. Using the terms attributed to Jim Byram18, although I start with the source categories based on the Mills publications I tend to be a “lumper”19 and minimize categories and individual sources. In this way, different citations can reuse the same Source again without either having to re-enter (or copy) an entire Source or have it listed as a separate Source in the Master Source List just because a page number or other detail has changed. However, lumping can produce reports with a significant string of “ibid”s that would have been lessened by splitting the source into multiple source records. Split source definition field names remind you what details to put where, and automates the rearrangement of names, where lumped sources with differing Citation Details need discipline to remember what should be in the (various split fields of the) CD. Note that Full and Short Footnotes can be made to look identical in reports (possibly using split citation details) whether you “lump” or “split”. Further TMG will combine entries from different sources in to a single bibliographic entry if the different Bibliography templates are made to output the identical text in TMG reports by leaving out their differing “split” information. As described above, this combining of Bibliography entries will not occur in Second Site Source page entries. Thus the difference between the two approaches in TMG reports, if the templates are constructed carefully, will only be reflected in the quantity and uniqueness of the sources in the Master Source List (which normally only you will see). But the difference will be apparent in the Second Site source page.
If you are a “splitter”, especially if you include detail fields such as page or item number in your Bibliography templates, there may be a limit to how far TMG will sort among Bibliographic entries.20
Listed below alphabetically are the Standard supplied Source Types, some example custom Source Types, and those custom Source Types currently used by me. Each Source Type shows the template for Full Footnote (FF), Short Footnote (SF), and Bibliography (B) with the appropriate Source Elements. The source element groups in use are noted by their element group abbreviations. My initials (MH) in front of the Source Type Name indicates that this type of source is sufficiently in use in one or more of my projects that I feel comfortable with it, though any of my custom templates are subject to change. Others that are modified but are not prefixed with my initials are ideas from my past usage or my expected future use and are likely to change as I actually use them. Two asterisks (**) in front of the category name indicates that this is a custom Source Type21 not included in the sample categories/types provided by Wholly Genes. The AB=CODE22 following the template name lists any four-character source type abbreviation codes which would be used to begin and sort a Source Record’s abbreviation which uses this Source Type. An asterisk (*) in front of the template type (FF, SF or B) in a Source Type indicates that this template differs from the default provided by Wholly Genes. However, the global change of Cited as instead of the default Hereinafter cited as in nearly every Full Footnote did not warrant an asterisk. Following some of the templates, there are examples of how that template might appear when printed in a report. These are marked as EX to denote examples. If there are examples for more than one template type, the example data matches. In a few cases where I considered that the data to be entered was not obvious to me from the name of the variable, I have specified my expected variable values.
**Ancestral File (MJH) AB=GENL
The LDS Ancestral File™ (now FamilySearch™) is a searchable database of genealogical information submitted by individuals. Rather than considering this a source, I generally consider it a Repository of sources provided by individuals. However, as an exercise I customized a template for this source my way. This template “splits” source records since it names the compiler and thus has “split” sources for each FGS. The name(s) of the compiler(s) should be entered in the [COMPILER] “people” element as expected for such an element and becomes the sort focus of the Source Record. [PEOPLE TYPE] identifies the type of these people, usually “compiler” or “compilers”. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. The [CD] should contain the actual record data, such as the person’s Ancestral File Number. However this Bibliography template will “lump” in a TMG Bibliography to simply the LDS Ancestral File itself (though not in Second Site). An alternative to this template is the LDS Patron Sheets that focuses on the nature of the submission of the data to the Ancestral File. In that template the Ancestral File on-line database can be cited as the Repository. I prefer that template more than this one, especially as my primary output is Second Site, and thus do not currently use this Source Type. Custom source elements: [PEOPLE TYPE] in File Reference. Source groups in use: C, Cp, D, FR, RA, Rp, ShT, T, Vr.
I don’t use this or any other specialized “article” template as my more general purpose Published Work templates fulfill this need.
Article(Serialized; Annotated Citation)
[AUTHOR], "[TITLE]," [ITAL:][SERIES][:ITAL]<, [DATE]><, [COMMENTS]><, [CD]><. Cited as "[SHORT TITLE]">. |
**Baptismal Certificate (MJH) AB=BAPM
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of the Second Site Source Page. I now use my new Church Event Certificate Source Type for all types of church certificates. I have left this Source Type in the book as an alternate example for such sources.]
This source was for an individual certificate or document of registration of entry into a religious organization. It can be used for either a child or adult baptism or enrollment. [LOCATION] is usually the name of the parish or place where the event took place, which is typically broader than the name of the site or church which is entered in [LOCATION DETAIL] . [LOCATION] is unconditional to produce “unknown” if not identified. [PUBLISHER] is usually a specific religious entity authorized to issue certificates or grant enrollment, which likely has a different name than the [LOCATION] . [TITLE] is the kind of document, e.g. Certificate of Registration of Baptism. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the document, e.g. Certified Copy or Original. [ORIGINAL DATE] is the date of the event. [FILE DATE] is the issue date of the document. Often the date of birth also is included in such documents, but that information would be entered in the [CD] . As two date types are already included, the date obtained should be entered in the [ANNOTATION] . Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj, T.
**Baptismal Register (MJH) AB=BAPM
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records.]
Although I defined them as different Source Types, I used this same structure for multiple types that dealt with church registers. [REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a source of multiple registers (e.g. Bishop’s transcripts with combined Baptism, Marriage, and Burial registers). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. Even though these are church records they may have been compiled by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a church register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD] . The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM] . [JURISDICTION] is usually the name of the parish or area covered by this register, which is typically different from the name of the [CHURCH] . [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish published the register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
A “bibliography only” source with the FullFootnote and ShortFootnote templates excluded was proposed to be used if you simply wanted to have a bibliographic entry, but no footnote/endnote. One example was to generate a bibliographic entry to a “source of source” that might otherwise be only mentioned in a memo, citation, or source comment. However, a source will not be included in the TMG bibliography unless it occurs as a non-excluded citation to a tag that prints (i.e. the tag is included in the report options, its surety meets the threshold, and exclusion settings will include the citation). The only way to have such otherwise non-cited entries is to copy them into the Bibliography as part of post processing in a word processor.
This test template for Bibliography is based on my most general custom Miscellaneous source type. In previous versions, these excluded templates did not work at all satisfactorily.23 As of Version 8 leading exclusion markers in templates do somewhat control the output, but a TMG Bibliography entry will not be produced without at least one full footnote/endnote citation of the source.24 An alternative could be to use a second citation to an appropriate source type on the same tag but have some text like “Source of the above source” preceding a normal footnote template, or possibly as the citation memo. However, one would need to ensure the appropriate citation order and not use unique endnotes. Further testing of this idea is needed.
**Birth Certificate (MJH) AB=BIRT
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records or Government Records.]
This source is for an individual certificate or document of registration. Birth certificates are typically issued by governmental entities, but could be issued by a religious entity. [TITLE] is the kind of document, e.g. Certificate of Registration of Birth. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the document, e.g. Certified Copy. [LOCATION DETAIL] is the entity or specific office within the jurisdiction that issued the certificate. The [JURISDICTION] is the area covered by the issuing entity. For the U.S. it will typically be a state and I will not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. [FILE DATE] is issue date of the document. The actual date (and if identified the location) of the birth is in the [CD]. Custom source elements: [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group, [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj, T.
**Birth Church Register (MJH) AB=BIRT
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. I now use my new Church Event Register Source Type for any church register which records a single type of event. My new Church Combined Register Source Type is used for any church register which intermingles multiple types of event, usually chronologically. For sources of this type of data which are compilations by an author I use the separate equivalent Source Type of either Church Event Compilation or Church Combined Compilation. I have left this Source Type in the book as an alternate example for such sources.]
Churches seldom have separate registers just for births, but this source type was defined for completeness. Although I defined them as different Source Types, I used this same structure for multiple types that dealt with church registers. [REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a register with multiple types of entries (e.g. Bishop’s transcripts with combined Baptism, Marriage, and Burial registers). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. Even though these are church records this may be a compiled copy by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a church register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [JURISDICTION] is usually the name of the parish or area covered by the register, which is typically different from the name of the [CHURCH]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish published (a copy of) the register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
**Birth Register (MJH) AB=GOVT
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. I now use my new Government Event Register Source Type for any governmental register which records a single type of event. My new Government Combined Register Source Type is used for any governmental register which intermingles multiple types of event, usually chronologically. For sources of this type of data which are compilations by an author I use the separate equivalent Source Type of either Government Event Compilation or Government Combined Compilation. I have left this Source Type in the book as an alternate example for such sources.]
[REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a source of multiple registers (e.g. town record with separate named sections for the events of births and deaths). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION DETAIL] is used (instead of church) if the register only covers a smaller area than the recording governmental [JURISDICTION] or it identifies the entity or specific office within the jurisdiction that maintained the register. The [JURISDICTION] in the U.S. is typically the state and I do not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. Even though these are usually government records this may be a compiled copy by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a town register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger governmental entity other than the actual location published the register, e.g. County copy of a town’s transcripts. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
Birth Registration (Local Level)
[SUBJECT] entry, [RECORD TYPE]< [NUMBER]><, [CD]>< ([DATE])>. |
Birth Registration (State Level) -- (Birth Certificate)
There are several Source Types included with TMG for recording books as sources. Of special note is that the Source Type “Book (Authored)” is the default “primary” source, and is thus used for GEDCOM Import of sources. Instead of any of these I prefer my more general purpose “Published Work” Source Types.
Book (Author Unidentified but Known)
Use “Book (Authored)”: Enter the names of the author(s) in square brackets, e.g., [Meredith B. Colket Jr. and Frank E. Bridgers].
Use “Book (Authored)”: Enter “[Anonymous]” (with square brackets) for the name of the author(s).
This template is the default “primary” source, and is thus used for GEDCOM Import sources. I have notes that it includes: Citation Memo (from TEXT), Short Title, Author (from AUTH), Publish Date, Publisher (from PUBL), Publication Address, Abbreviation?? from (ABBR). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [Someday I need to do more testing here with various GEDCOM source input to determine what gets put where as part of this automated GEDCOM import, and then update my Source Element variable names discussion. In general a source will be of this source type only upon import until changed to one of my custom types, such as Published Work.]
This is the same template structure as “Book, Authored” but assumes that multiple names will be entered in the single Author field separated by semicolons with each using the “surname, given” structure.
The only change was to remove the unbalanced closing parenthesis in the standard Bibliography entry.
Book (Multi-Volume, Compendium)
Book (Paginated, with Numbered Entries)
Use “Book (Authored)”: Enter, e.g., “unpaginated, 10th page” in the citation detail or as a [PAGE] element added to the source template.
Use “Book (Authored)”: Enter “privately printed” in the publisher field. [See “Book (Multi-Authored)” above.]
Book (Publication Date Not Given)
Use “Book (Authored)”: The output will include “no date” if the publication date is left empty.
Book (Publication Place Not Given)
Use “Book (Authored)”: The output will include “no place” if the publication place field is left empty.
Use “Book (Authored)”: The output will include “no publisher” if the publisher field is left empty.
Bounty-Land File (Federal Unfilmed)
**Burial Cemetery Register (MJH) AB=BURI
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. Thus I no longer use this Source Type. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records or Government Records as well as the special Electronic Database-FindAGrave Source Types.]
[REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a source of multiple registers (e.g. town record with separate sections for different cemeteries). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION DETAIL] is used (instead of church) if the register only covers a smaller area than the recording governmental [JURISDICTION] or it identifies the entity such as the cemetery company or specific office within the jurisdiction that maintained the register. The [JURISDICTION] in the U.S. is typically the state and I do not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. Even though these are usually government or company records this may be a compiled copy by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. The [PSEUDO PERSON] element is not needed to be included even when there is a Cemetery Location Pseudo Person since that person is not the source but should be linked to the burial tag as a Witness with the appropriate role. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a collection of burials and/or cremations, or for different cemeteries, arranged chronologically or by name, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger governmental or company entity other than the actual location published the register, e.g. County or headquarters copy of a specific cemetery’s transcripts. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, V
**Burial Certificate (MJH) AB=BURI
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records or Government Records.]
This source is for an individual certificate, document, or other record of interment. It can be issued by a governmental entity in charge of the burial ground, but if issued by a religious entity use the Church Event Certificate Source Type instead. Since [TITLE] identifies the kind of record (e.g. “Certificate of Burial”, or “Gravestone”) I also use this for recording the information for a single gravestone marker. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the record, e.g. Certified Copy, Joint marker. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION] is usually the name of the county or parish where the burial took place, while the name of the cemetery and/or specific site is entered in [LOCATION DETAIL]. [PUBLISHER] is optionally used for the governmental or religious entity authorized to issue the certificate or document, which may have a different name than the [LOCATION] or [LOCATION DETAIL]. [FILE DATE] is issue date of the document. The [PSEUDO PERSON] element is not needed to be included even when there is a Cemetery Location Pseudo Person since that person is not the source but should be linked to the burial tag as a Witness with the appropriate role. If identified, the actual date/time and specific plot location of the burial is in the [CD]. Custom source elements: [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group which can be used for the “viewed” date of a marker, [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj,
**Burial Church Register (MJH) AB=BURI
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. I now use my new Church Event Register Source Type for any church register which records a single type of event. My new Church Combined Register Source Type is used for any church register which intermingles multiple types of event, usually chronologically. For sources of this type of data which are compilations by an author I use the separate equivalent Source Type of either Church Event Compilation or Church Combined Compilation. I have left this Source Type in the book as an alternate example for such sources.]
Although I defined them as different Source Types, I used this same structure for multiple types that dealt with church registers. [REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a register with multiple types of entries (e.g. Bishop’s transcripts with combined Baptism, Marriage, and Burial registers). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. Even though these are church records they may have been compiled by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. The [PSEUDO PERSON] element is not needed to be included even when there is a Cemetery Location Pseudo Person since that person is not the source but should be linked to the burial tag as a Witness with the appropriate role. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a church register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [JURISDICTION] is usually the name of the parish or area covered by the register, which is typically different from the name of the [CHURCH]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish published the register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
CD-ROM (Produced from Original Records)
CD-ROM (Produced from Prior Publication)
In the [COMMENTS] include something like “This is a re-publication on CD of Author, [ITAL:]title[:ITAL], (publication date)” If the original source is in the system, use embedded citation.
I do not use this, as I “lump” such source information using the Burial Certificate template, but identify the [TITLE] as a “Gravestone” or “Memorial Marker”.
I also do not use this as I use the source type appropriate for the publication itself, such as a Published Work or an Electronic Database.
Construction of appropriate Source Types for these sources is a subject of major discussion among TMG users. See my separate chapter describing my entire system for dealing with census data. Showing my “lumper” preference, I currently use the single source type “Census (MJH)” described below for all my census data regardless of type of census source. However I have stored these other examples here for completeness and as alternatives for other users.
I modified this template in this manner in an earlier effort prior to settling on my single “Census (MJH)” template structure.
1860 U. S. Census, Montgomery County, Kentucky, [CD], National Archives micropublication M653, roll 388. |
Census, Federal (Local/State Copy)
MH**Census (MJH) AB=CENS
This single source template has so far sufficed for “lumping” all my census sources. For USA I have one source record per county or microfilm whichever contains less. Thus a county spanning multiple films is multiple source records, one per film. Multiple counties on the same film are multiple source records, one per county on that film.
Field meanings in order on the General tab:
• [TITLE] defines the overall location/type census of which this source is a part, e.g. “U. S. Census”. Because of this specific text in Title, I do not define or use Short Title.
• [RECORD TYPE] describes the kind of census data. As examples, for 1790-1840 in the U.S. I usually leave this empty as the population schedule is typically the only thing available and is assumed, but it would not hurt to specify “population schedule” and you might find a “mortality schedule”. In 1820 both the U.S. “population schedule” and “manufactures schedule” existed and both are useful genealogy resources. In 1850 and 1860 the U.S. had both a “population schedule” and a “slave schedule”. In 1900 for the separate U.S. “Indian population” if it is wholly contained in and part of a county record then I do not cite it as a separate record type but in the [CD] as a section of the county schedule similar to an Enumeration District. But if it is enumerated as a separate location, often straddling multiple county boundaries, then I enter it in [LOCATION DETAIL] as a separate location like a separate county. I cite state or local copies of the U.S. Census (such as duplicate originals or exhibition copies) as an added note to the [RECORD TYPE], e.g. “population schedule, county-level copy”, with additional appropriate text in the bibliography in the [REPOSITORY] and [ANNOTATION]. If you are not citing a full enumeration then an appropriate [RECORD TYPE] of something like “soundex”, or “index” should be used.
• The element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group is used to link to a Census Source Pseudo Person as I almost always create one for census sources. The template includes most of the Second Site specific codes, but the entire Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in this element.25 The template and codes will produce the link to the pseudo census person immediately following the text of any and all elements which constitute the full title of the source.
This code produces a superscript number in the Second Site source output corresponding to the PersonID of the pseudo census person. (While this value only displays in Second Site, I include it in the examples below to show its use.) Even if source entries are more split than the corresponding pseudo people, since multiple entries in the Master Source List can link to the same pseudo census person this works well. This link will be present on the Second Site pages for each citation as well as in the Bibliography entry in the List of Sources. For more formal output I use Second Site Tag Groups to only output the Census tags themselves on the pseudo census people pages. The absence of Census tags on a person page potentially removes the link in those source citations to the census person’s page which now is the only page with the full census narrative. However I (try to) always have a person’s census records cited to at least one of their narrative tags, usually the Birth tag, so those citations preserve the link to the census person page and thus to the full census transcription.
• [PUBLISH DATE] is the as-of date of the publication of the census (in the U.S. as of 1952 usually 72 years after the enumeration).
• [CENSUS DATE] is only the year the census was taken.
• [LOCATION] is the largest geographical subdivision of the census (e.g. state). If the subdivision is named by multiple locales they are entered from largest to smallest (e.g. state, county). [LOCATION DETAIL] identifies the locale of this whole source, e.g. county. Thus the Bibliography entry can be sorted geographically.
• [PUBLISHER] is usually “National Archives and Records Administration” with address “Washington, D.C.” and following my style (which does not exactly follow either NARA or EE or Garner style) is only listed in the Bibliography. However, if it is a state or local copy, then the publisher address and publisher will the local governmental office that complied them, e.g. “Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Probate Judge’s Office”.
• [VOLUME] has the details covered by this single source (e.g. the soundex range, the EDs covered, the index volume).
• [FILM] is the published film, e.g. “micropublication M653, roll 372”, and the [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] is the call number in this specific repository.
• [CD] contains the detailed location and SD/ED followed by the complete identification of the household, e.g. “Marietta Township, SD 4, ED 229, page 7(227A), lines 37-44, dwelling 61, family 67”. While some of this may be redundant (lines and dwelling and family), I have found them useful, especially if I make a data entry typo in one. Though not strictly required for the citation, I also include the street address, if given, as useful genealogical data. This Source Element is made conditional, as I will cite this source without a CD to the Census Pseudo Person’s Created tag.
The memos of the various Census Tags contain all the details of the entry. As I encounter census records for other countries I may choose to construct separate templates for them, but currently believe this single template will work.
Custom source elements: [CENSUS DATE] in Second Date group for the year, [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location for the county/locale which permits having the county/locale before the state in FF and SF, but after in B, [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, Pb, PL, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, RT, T, Vm.
Over time I have researched and cited many sources of church records and considered many different TMG Source Type structures to record these sources. After several changes I now use the following five Source Types for all sources which are focused on recording events associated with any type of religious organization (e.g. a church). They are equivalent to the five new Source Types now used for Government Records. These were developed in late 2019 as a result of deciding to change several Bibliography templates to make them sort geographically. This decision occurred as a direct result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page to make it appear more like a traditional Bibliography. This change also required moving the [CHURCH] from the Second Location element group to the Subject element group. I have left in this book several Source Types which I used previously for church records as alternate examples of recording such sources.
MH**Church Combined Compilation (MJH) AB=CHUR
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source where an “author” has extracted and compiled records from the original registers of a specific religious organization (e.g. a “church”) which interleaves (often chronologically) multiple types of events within the compilation (e.g. baptism, marriage, and burial). Other data not directly associated with the specific type of event recorded by an entry may also be included in that event’s entry. The name(s) of the compiler(s) should be entered in the unconditional [COMPILER] “people” element as expected for such an element and becomes the sort focus of the Source Record. [PEOPLE TYPE] identifies the type of these people, e.g. compiler(s), translator(s). (If this source is an original church register with interleaved entries of different event types then I use the separate Source Type which focuses on the church and its location instead of the “author”.)
[TITLE] contains the name of the entire compilation. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [REGISTER TITLE] is used if there are separately named sections of the compilation for interleaved events, possibly sections for a specific church, jurisdiction, or name or date range, or different groups of combined event types such as baptism/burial and banns/marriage. (The element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific compilation if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this compilation.) If the compilation of these interleaved event types covers only one church (or you have created a separate Source Record for entries from a specific church) its name is entered in the optional [CHURCH] element or can simply be entered as “Unknown church”. If the compilation of these interleaved event types also interleaves multiple churches this optional field can remain blank. Since [CHURCH] is an alias of the “people” element [SUBJECT], be sure there are neither any commas, semicolons, nor leading digits in the church name.
Since the title of a combined compilation does not indicate a single specific event type, the event type of the entry being cited should be identified at the beginning of the [CD] of each citation. The [CD] is optional to permit this Source Type to be cited to a TMG tag indicating the compilation was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the compilation only contains entries for a single type of event then I use the separate Source Type for such compilations.) [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this compilation, from smallest to largest separated by commas. It usually begins with the name of the parish or local area covered by this compilation, which is typically different than the name of the church associated with the entries within that jurisdiction. It is unconditional but should usually have something entered, although if empty will output the text “unknown juridiction”. (The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] is not used as this Source Type’s bibliography entry sorts by the “author(s)”, not geographically.) [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire compilation. A compilation is typically published by some entity, and thus [PUBLISHER], [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] and [PUBLISH DATE] record that. [PUBLISHER] is unconditional thus even if empty will output “” which allows only any one, any two, or all three of these elements to be entered and the punctuation will still work. [PUBLISHER] possibly with a [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] could be used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the combined register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. If there is just a compilation date which is usually different than the dates covered by the compilation, it could be entered in [PUBLISH DATE]. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Subject, [PEOPLE TYPE] in File Reference, [SUB TITLE] in Version. Source groups in use: C, Cp, D, FR, L, P, PD, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sj, T, Vm, Vr.
MH**Church Combined Register (MJH) AB=CHUR
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source which is an original register of a specific religious organization (e.g. a “church”) and which interleaves, often chronologically, multiple types of events within the same register (e.g. baptism, marriage, and burial). Other data not directly associated with the specific type of event recorded by an entry may also be included in that event’s entry. (If an individual has extracted and compiled a separate source of church events which interleaves and combines multiple event types, that individual is essentially an “author”. For such compilations I use the matching separate Source Type which includes and focuses on that author rather than the church or location.)
For this Source Type the name of the [CHURCH] is entered as the “author” which comes first in footnotes, but occurs after the location in the geographically sorted bibliography entry. It can simply be entered as “Unknown church” if necessary. Since the element is optional, if the events recorded in this combined register are for multiple churches the optional field can remain blank. Since [CHURCH] is an alias of the “people” element [SUBJECT], be sure there are neither any commas, semicolons, nor leading digits in the church name. [REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if this register is a source which contains multiple separately named combined registers (e.g. sections for specific churches, or for specific name or date ranges, or different groups of combined event types such as baptism/burial and banns/marriage). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. (Note that the element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific combined register if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this combined register.)
Since the title of a combined register does not indicate a single specific event type, the event type of the entry being cited should be identified at the beginning of the [CD] of each citation. The [CD] is optional to permit this Source Type to be cited to a TMG tag indicating the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the register is restricted to entries about a single type of event I use the separate Source Type for a single event register.) [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this combined register, from smallest to largest. It usually begins with the name of the parish or area covered by this register, which is typically different than the name of the church within that jurisdiction. The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] duplicates the location but should have the list of locales from largest to smallest. Both “jurisdiction” entries separate their locales by commas, are unconditional, and should always have something entered even if it is the text “Unknown Juridiction”. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire register. [PUBLISHER] is used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the combined register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Subject, [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sj, T, Vm.
MH**Church Event Certificate (MJH) AB=BAPM BIRT BURI DEAT MARR
This Source Type can be used to create a source record for any individual certificate or document for one or more specific persons recording some single event associated with a religious organization (e.g. a “church”). Thus the person or group is the focus of the entry. The specific single event can be anything associated with specific persons (e.g. a child or adult baptism or enrollment, a marriage, or burial) and would be reflected in the [TITLE], e.g. Certificate of Registration of Baptism. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION] is usually the name of the parish or place where the event took place, which is typically broader than the name of the site or “church” which is entered in [LOCATION DETAIL]. [LOCATION] is unconditional to produce “unknown” if not identified. (The custom element [LOCATION BIBLIO] is not used as this Source Type’s bibliography entry sorts by the individual(s), not geographically.) [PUBLISHER] could be a specific religious entity authorized to issue certificates for this event which is different than the site or “church” in [LOCATION]. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the event and source document obtained, e.g. Certified Copy or Original. [ORIGINAL DATE] is the date of the event. [FILE DATE] is the issue date of the document. Often other information not associated with the event (e.g. date of birth or age) may be included in such documents, but that information would be entered in the [CD]. As two date types are already included, the date the genealogist obtained the document should be entered in the [ANNOTATION]. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj
MH**Church Event Compilation (MJH) AB=BAPM BIRT BURI DEAT MARR
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source where an “author” has extracted and compiled records from the original registers of a specific religious organization (e.g. a “church”) of a single type of event (e.g. baptism, marriage, burial). Other data not directly associated with the event which is the focus of the register may also be included in that event’s entry. The name(s) of the compiler(s) should be entered in the unconditional [COMPILER] “people” element as expected for such an element and becomes the sort focus of the Source Record. [PEOPLE TYPE] identifies the type of these people. (If this source is the original church register for this single event then I use the separate Source Type which includes and focuses on the church and its location instead of the “author”.)
[TITLE] contains the name of the entire compilation. [SUBTITLE] is used if there are separately named sections of compilations of events for a single event type, possibly for a specific church or jurisdiction, or for specific date or name range, or for separate event types. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. (The element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific compilation if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this compilation.) If the compilation of this event type covers only one church (or you have created a separate Source Record for this one type of entry from this compilation from a specific church) its name is entered in the optional [CHURCH] element or can simply be entered as “Unknown church”. If the compilation of this event type covers multiple churches the optional field can remain blank. Since [CHURCH] is an alias of the “people” element [SUBJECT], be sure there are neither any commas, semicolons, nor leading digits in the church name.
The [CD] usually does not require identifying the event type as all entries from this source are for the same type of event. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when this register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the compilation interleaves different types of entries, such as a chronological compilation of church baptism, marriage, burial, etc. events, then I use the separate Source Type for such combined compilations.) The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the compilation was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this compilation, from smallest to largest separated by commas. It usually begins with the name of the parish or local area covered by this compilation, which is typically different than the name of the church associated with the entries within that jurisdiction. It is unconditional but should usually have something entered, although if empty will output the text “unknown juridiction”. (The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] is not used as this Source Type’s bibliography entry sorts by compiler(s), not geographically.) [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire complilation. As this is a compilation it is typically published by some entity, and thus [PUBLISHER], [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] and [PUBLISH DATE] record that. [PUBLISHER] is unconditional thus even if empty will output “” which allows only any one, any two, or all three of these elements to be entered and the punctuation will still work. [PUBLISHER] possibly with a [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] could be used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the combined register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. If there is just a compilation date which is usually different than the dates covered by the compilation, it could be entered in [PUBLISH DATE]. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Subject, [PEOPLE TYPE] in File Reference. Source groups in use: C, Cp, D, FR, L, P, PD, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sj, T, Vm.
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source which is an original register of a specific religious organization (e.g. a “church”) of a single type of event (e.g. baptism, marriage, burial). Other data not directly associated with the event which is the focus of the register may also be included in that event’s entry. (If an individual has extracted and compiled this specific type of church event as a separate source, that individual is essentially an “author”. For such compilations I use the matching separate Source Type which includes and focuses on that author rather than the church or location.)
For this Source Type the name of the [CHURCH] is entered as the “author” which comes first in footnotes, but occurs after the location in the geographically sorted bibliography entry. It can simply be entered as “Unknown church” if necessary. Since the element is optional, if the entries of this one type of event recorded in this register are for multiple churches the optional field can remain blank. Since [CHURCH] is an alias of the “people” element [SUBJECT], be sure there are neither any commas, semicolons, nor leading digits in the church name. [REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if this register is for a source which contains multiple registers of this event type (e.g. sections for registers for each type of event from specific churches, or sections for specific name or date ranges). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. (Note that the element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific baptismal register if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this register.)
The [CD] usually does not require identifying the event type as all entries from this source are for the same type of event. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when this register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the register interleaves different types of events in a single register, such as a chronological church register of baptism, marriage, burial etc. events, I use the separate Source Type for these combined registers.) [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this register, entered from smallest to largest. It usually begins with the name of the parish or area covered by this register, which is typically different than the name of the church within that jurisdiction. The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] duplicates the location but the list of locales should be entered from largest to smallest. Both “jurisdiction” entries separate their locales by commas, are unconditional, and should always have something entered even if it is the text “Unknown Juridiction”. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire register. [PUBLISHER] is used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Subject, [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sj, T, Vm.
Not sure I need this type although I defined it at one point. I believe it is superceded by my latest structure for generic church registers and records. [TITLE] would be type of record, e.g. Banns Register, General Register, etc. The fact that it is filmed and its film number would show from the Repository information. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Second Location.
**Church Record (Original) AB=BAPM BIRT BURI CHUR DEAT MARR
Not sure I need this type although I defined it at one point. I believe it is superceded by my latest structure for generic church registers and records. [TITLE] is type of record, e.g. Banns Register, General Register, etc. The fact that I viewed the original would show from the Repository information. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Second Location.
MH**City (or County) Directory (MJH) AB=PLAC
Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, Pb, PL, RA, Rp, RR, ShT, T, Vm.
MH**Correspondence (MJH) AB=CORR
[AUTHOR] and [RECIPIENT] should be entered “surname, given” as with all names. Because it occurs first in the footnotes, be sure to capitalize [RECORD TYPE]. WARNING: Both Title and Short Title are conditional in the Full Footnote but only a conditional Short Title exists in the Short Footnote. Due to the nature of a conditional Short Title nothing will output if it is empty, it will not duplicate Title. Thus even if the Title has text that data will not appear in the Short Footnote unless the Short Title has text, probably abbreviated from the Title. However there are cases when there is no Title but I want to have some text for “cited as”, or I only want a Title in the Full Footnote but nothing in the Short Footnote, so this dual conditional structure is useful. The element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group is used to link to a Correspondance Source Pseudo Person if one is created for this author’s correspondence.26 (While this value only displays in Second Site, I include it in the examples below to show its use.) In my “lumper” spirit, by entering “E-mail” as the [RECORD TYPE] and the e-mail addresses in [AUTHOR ADDRESS] and [RECIPIENT ADDRESS] (usually in ‘<>’ brackets), this correspondence template can eliminate the need for a separate e-mail template. If the e-message is to a ListServ or bulletin board, use an appropriate entry for the [RECORD TYPE] and put the name of the ListServ as the [RECIPIENT] with the URL as the [RECIPIENT ADDRESS]. Second Site will automatically turn this URL text into a hyperlink to that site. I consider e-messages (and phone calls) as simply another form of correspondence. However, if the purpose of the phone call is an interview, then I use the Interview source template. Custom source elements: [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group. Source groups in use: A, C, D, L, L2, P2, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, T.
DAR Genealogical Records Committee Report (DAR Library Copy)
[ITAL:][TITLE][:ITAL], [SERIES]< ([COMMENTS])><, [CD]><. Cited as [ITAL:][SHORT TITLE][:ITAL]>. |
DAR Genealogical Records Committee Report (Local/State Copy)
**Death Certificate (MJH) AB=DEAT
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records or Government Records.]
This source is for an individual certificate or document certifying death. These are typically issued by a governmental entity, but if issued by a religious entity use the Church Event Certificate Source Type instead. [TITLE] is the kind of document, e.g. Certificate of Death. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the document, e.g. Certified Copy. [LOCATION DETAIL] is the entity or specific office within the jurisdiction that issued the certificate. The [JURISDICTION] is the area covered by the issuing entity. For the U.S. it will typically be a state and I will not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. [FILE DATE] is issue date of the document. The actual date and (if identified) location of the death is in the [CD]. Custom source elements: [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group, [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj, T.
**Death Church Register (MJH) AB=DEAT
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. I now use my new Church Event Register Source Type for any church register which records a single type of event. My new Church Combined Register Source Type is used for any church register which intermingles multiple types of event, usually chronologically. For sources of this type of data which are compilations by an author I use the separate equivalent Source Type of either Church Event Compilation or Church Combined Compilation. I have left this Source Type in the book as an alternate example for such sources.]
Churches seldom have separate registers just for deaths, but this source type was defined for completeness. Although I defined them as different Source Types, I used this same structure for multiple types that dealt with church registers. [REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a register with multiple types of entries (e.g. Bishop’s transcripts with combined Baptism, Marriage, and Burial registers). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. Even though these are church records they may have been transcribed or compiled by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a church register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [JURISDICTION] is usually the name of the parish or area covered by the register, which is typically different from the name of the [CHURCH]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish published the register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
**Death Register (MJH) AB=DEAT
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records or Government Records.]
[REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a source of multiple registers (e.g. town record with separate sections for births and deaths). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION DETAIL] is used (instead of church) if the register only covers a smaller area than the recording governmental [JURISDICTION]. The [JURISDICTION] for the U.S. is typically the state entered as “State of Michigan” and I do not include USA. In other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. Even though these are usually government records they may have been transcribed or compiled by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a town register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger governmental entity other than the actual location published the register, e.g. County publication of a town’s transcripts. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
Death Registration (Local Level)
Death Registration (State Level)
Diary or Journal (Published, Edited)
[AUTHOR], "[TITLE]" ([RECORD TYPE], [LOCATION]<, [DATE]>)<, [CD]><. Cited as "[SHORT TITLE]">. |
Instead of this separate template I use my general Correspondence template above.
Electronic Database (Family File)
[COMPILER], online [URL], [AUTHOR] ([LOCATION])<, downloaded [DATE]><, [CD]>. |
[COMPILER]. Online [URL], [AUTHOR]. [LOCATION]<. Text downloaded [DATE]>. |
**Electronic Database (Commercial Web Site)
The TMG ListServ discussed this generic custom source type27 for all on-line databases. While I liked the idea, I was not comfortable with that template, and adapted it to my own style of source templates as shown below with further adaptations expected, especially since I usually have the database be the Repository rather than the source itself. [TITLE] = the name of the database. [COMPILER] = the host site. [URL] = the main address of the site. Second Site will automatically turn this URL text into a hyperlink to that site. [COMMENTS] = a short description of the source of the data, taken from the site. In the [CD] is the information needed to find the specific record, such as name, and serial numbers or dates, depending on what the specific data shows. Note that this source type is for complied databases - that doesn’t include images of original records, like census and draft cards. For them it was suggested to cite the original, and note in the [COMMENTS] that you saw an image, and where. The example below from the ListServ is for a Passerger List, but for that source type I have my own Passenger List template.
The TMG ListServ discussed an alternative generic custom source type28 for information retrieved from the USGenWeb site. Again I expect to adapt it to my own style of source templates, possibly “lumping” with the above, and especially making the Bibliographic entry the most complete. The split CD has [CD1] = location, e.g. County, State. [CD2] = has the format of what you are looking at, usually based on Mills.
MH**Electronic Database (MJH) AB=WWWD (or the code for the single topic in the database)
This is my version of a generic “lumped” source for an on-line electronic database constructed somewhat from the TMG ListServ electronic database examples above but tailored to my source style. Its name includes “database” but I also use it for web pages. It is only used when the on-line database or page is actually the source of the information. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote.
I have many citations to pages at Thus I have constructed several separate Sources which are loosely based on this Electronic Database Source Type, but which override the Type definition to be very specific to this database source.
Often I enter on-line archives as the Repository of the source, such as an on-line copy of a book. The [URL] source element contains the main address for the database and is intentionally only output as text in the Bibliography. Second Site will automatically turn this Bibliography URL text into a hyperlink to that site. Either the specific search terms for a citation, or the complete specific URL of the results using sentence formatting codes, will be in the [CD]. Thus the [URL] element is not needed in either footnote template. Care should be taken concerning any text output in the citation which looks like a URL to consider Second Site’s automatic hyperlink creation on such text in visible output. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER], and [PUBLISH DATE] are all optional in the Bibliography but if any are entered at least [PUBLISHER] and preferably also [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] needs to be entered to make the punctuation work, but only [PUBLISHER] will appear in the Full Footnote. [LOCATION DB] was added to begin the Bibliography entry for those databases whose content was completely focused on data associated with a specific location. Its locale parts are entered largest to smallest separated by commas to cause the entry to sort geographically. It is in the Location group since the standard element [URL] in Second Location is already used in this Source Type. I expect to modify/enhance this template as I encounter more on-line sources, or define separate source types such as those for the FindAGrave source below. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DB] in Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, Pb, PL, RA, RM, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T.
MH**Electronic Database-FindAGrave Specific Source Definitions (MJH) AB=WWWD
These special custom Source Definitions which differ from their Electronic Database Source Type were created because I have so many citations to this site. They are designed to have the URL in the Source Definition to make it easier to globally change the URL format of all these citations as this site has already changed that once.29 The [URL] source element contains the main address for the database and is intentionally only output as text for both TMG and Second Site in the Bibliography. Second Site will automatically turn this Bibliography URL text into a hyperlink to that site. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. However I choose to always enter this Short Title in this Source Type. The Full Footnote and Short Footnote templates are structured to provide different but appropriate citation output in both TMG reports and Second Site while minimizing the data required in the CD itself. I include the entire HTML code for Second Site in both the Full Footnote and Short Footnote templates rather than have it automatically generated by Second Site in order to include the additional HTML “target” option required by FindAGrave if the Second Site format will output the citation within a frame. Since these sources are cited often, especially the memorial source type, the Short Footnote template must output all of the CD as that template will be used often throughout a TMG report and for multiple different citations of this source on a single Second Site page. Source groups in use: C, L2, Pb, RA, RM, Rp, RR, ShT, T.
FindAGrave Memorials Source Definition
This source is used for citing all individual memorials in this on-line database. Note that for memorial citations where the FindAGrave page title lists the maiden name in italics for a married woman, that name part can be italicized with TMG [ITAL:][:ITAL] format codes in the [CD3] split part for the individual’s name. Multiple citations for the same memorial are likely to have differing information included in each CM.
[ITAL:][TITLE][:ITAL]<, cited as "[SHORT TITLE]"><; [CD1]>[HID:][SS-HID:][:HID]<; [CD3].> \<<[URL]>\/<[CD2]>[HID:][:SS-HID][SS:]. \<[HTML:]\<A target="_blank" HREF="[URL]/[CD2]"\>[CD3]\</A\>[:HTML][:SS][:HID]\><. [CM]> |
Find A Grave Memorials, cited as “FAG Memorial”; Dunkels Church Cemetery, Lenhartsville, Berks County, Pennsylvania; Valentin Sarig. <>. Stone reads: Valentine Sarig, Died Jan 11, 1821 [sic], Aged 84 yrs, 9 mo. 20 ds. |
Find A Grave Memorials, cited as “FAG Memorial”; Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Moran, Mackinac County, Michigan. <Johanna Gille Brown>. Birth: 1855, Death: 1919. |
"[SHORT TITLE]"<; [CD1]>[HID:][SS-HID:][:HID]<; [CD3].> \<<[URL]>\/<[CD2]>\>[HID:][:SS-HID][SS:]. \<[HTML:]\<A target="_blank" HREF="[URL]/[CD2]"\>[CD3]\</A\>[:HTML]\>[:SS][:HID]<. [CM]> |
“FAG Memorial”; Dunkels Church Cemetery, Lenhartsville, Berks County, Pennsylvania. <Valentine Sarig>. He died from complications from a fall. |
“FAG Memorial”; Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Moran, Mackinac County, Michigan; Johanna Gille Brown. <>. Separate stone under the Brown Family headstone. |
Find A Grave Memorials, online at <>. Search results downloaded. Private holdings, Michael J. Hannah, Los Ranchos, New Mexico. Searchable database of individual memorial records organized by cemeteries. A person’s memorial record can include interment information as well as other information about the person such as birth/death data, family relationships, images of the person and their memorials, and obituaries. The information is simply posted by individuals, is often un-sourced, and can be inaccurate. |
FindAGrave Cemeteries Source Definition
This source is very similar to the memorials source definition above but is used for citing the record in this on-line database describing the cemetery itself and its history. This database record also includes a search form to search among all memorials within this cemetery which have been entered in the database. Often the number of memorials available in the on-line database are a fraction of the interments at the cemetery. Like the FindAGrave memorials definition, the Short Footnote template must output all of the CD, and multiple citations for the same cemetery are likely to have differing information included in each CM.
[ITAL:][TITLE][:ITAL]<, cited as "[SHORT TITLE]"><; [CD1]>[HID:][SS-HID:][:HID]<; [CD3].> \<<[URL]>\/<[CD2]>[HID:][:SS-HID][SS:]. \<[HTML:]\<A target="_blank" HREF="[URL]/[CD2]"\>[CD3]\</A\>[:HTML][:SS][:HID]\><. [CM]> |
Find A Grave Cemeteries, cited as “FAG Cemetery”; Bluffton, Wells County, Indiana; Six Mile Cemetery. <>. The Six Mile Cemetery has its roots in the founding of the Six Mile Church on September 2, 1838. |
Find A Grave Cemeteries, cited as “FAG Cemetery”; Bluffton, Wells County, Indiana. <Six Mile Cemetery>. The Six Mile Cemetery has its roots in the founding of the Six Mile Church on September 2, 1838. |
"[SHORT TITLE]"<; [CD1]>[HID:][SS-HID:][:HID]<; [CD3].> \<<[URL]>\/<[CD2]>\>[HID:][:SS-HID][SS:]. \<[HTML:]\<A target="_blank" HREF="[URL]/[CD2]"\>[CD3]\</A\>[:HTML]\>[:SS][:HID]<. [CM]> |
“FAG Cemetery”; Bluffton, Wells County, Indiana; Six Mile Cemetery. <>. No specific date exists for the establishment of the cemetery at its current site. |
“FAG Cemetery”; Bluffton, Wells County, Indiana. <Six Mile Cemetery>. No specific date exists for the establishment of the cemetery at its current site. |
Find A Grave Cemeteries, online at <>. Search results downloaded. Private holdings, Michael J. Hannah, Los Ranchos, New Mexico. Searchable database of individual cemeteries. The information is simply posted by individuals, is often un-sourced, and can be inaccurate. |
Electronic File (Image from Private Files - Annotated)
Electronic File (Image from Public Archives)
**Electronic File (Listserv Message)
This is similar to the separate e-mail message template. I choose to use my general Correspondence template or my Electronic Database template above. The standard Full Footnote template omits quotes around the [SHORT TITLE] which I have added.
There is considerable discussion and many alternatives to citation structures for electronic resources.30 For example see my Electronic Database template above.
Compressed Pedigree of Lee Hoffman, online, downloaded 30 Nov 1998, [CD]. Cited as Lee Hoffman Pedigree. |
Electronically Published Paper (Previously Published in Hard Copy)
MH**Employment Record (MJH) AB=EMPL
This source is for a document or record concerning employment about an individual. [TITLE] is the kind of document, e.g. Job Offer. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [RECORD INFO] gives identifying details about the document, e.g. a serial number or job title. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the document, e.g. Certified Copy or department assigned. [DATE] is issue date of the document. The details of the event associated with this employment record is in the [CD]. Custom source elements: [EMPLOYER] in the Author group, [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: A, C, D, D2, L, L2, RA, RN, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj, T.
MH**Family Group Sheet (MJH) AB=GENL
This is for a separately obtained FGS. I often use my source type LDS Pedigree Resource, LDS Patron Sheet or Electronic Database templates for what might otherwise be considered a Family Group Sheet. Source groups in use: C, Cp, D, D2, L, RA, Rp, RR, ShT, T.
Family Group Sheet (with Annotations)
Family History Library (FHL) (Microcopy of Published Work)
Cite published source fully, according to type, then add (for example): micro film/fiche no. 123,456, frame 123, Family History Library (FHL), Salt Lake City, Utah.
Family History Library (FHL) (Microcopy of Unpublished Material)
Cite unpublished source fully, according to type, then add (for example): micro film/fiche no. 123,456, frame 123, Family History Library (FHL), Salt Lake City, Utah.
This “dummy” source type could be used if you simply want to have a textual comment that will appear as a footnote or endnote wherever citations appear, but do not desire a Bibliographic entry. You would need to create and cite a dummy source entry of this type. It somewhat produces a Bibliographic entry31, but the entry is simply empty lines containing only a carriage return which appear at the beginning of the Bibliograpy. Post processing in a word processor could remove those empty lines. It is probably more appropriate to use a set of embedded citation codes in the tag memo or sentence field but without a source number, since by definition such embedded citations do not produce Bibliography entries.
Over time I have researched and cited many sources of records compiled and maintained by location-named non-church entities (usually governmental) and considered many different TMG Source Type structures to record these sources. After several changes I now use the following five Source Types for all sources which are focused on recording events associated with any type of governmental or equivalent location entity. They are equivalent to the five new Source Types now used for Church Records. These were developed in late 2019 as a result of deciding to change several Bibliography templates to make them sort geographically. As the jurisdiction covered by the source is usually the geographic location normally identified by the hierarchy of govenmental entity names, a geographic sort makes sense for these sources. This decision occurred as a direct result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page to make it appear more like a traditional Bibliography. I have left in this book several Source Types which I used previously for governmental records as alternate examples of recording such sources.
**Government Certificate (MJH) AB=GOVT MILR
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Government Records.]
This source is for a government certificate or document for a single individual. [TITLE] is the kind of document, e.g. Passport. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the document, e.g. Certified Copy. For the [JURISDICTION] for parts of the U.S. I will typically enter the state and not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. [FILE DATE] is issue date of the document. The actual date and location of the some event being recorded by the document is in the [CD]. Custom source elements: [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group, [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj, T.
MH**Government Combined Compilation (MJH) AB=GOVT MILR
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source where an “author” has extracted and compiled records from the original register created by an entity named by a specific location (usually a governmental entity) and which interleaves, often chronologically, multiple types of events within the same register (e.g. birth, marriage, death, burial, etc.). Other data not directly associated with the specific type of event recorded by an entry may also be included in that event’s entry. The name(s) of the compiler(s) should be entered in the unconditional [COMPILER] “people” element as expected for such an element and becomes the sort focus of the Source Record. [PEOPLE TYPE] identifies the type of these people, e.g. compiler(s), translator(s). (If this source is an original government register with interleaved entries of different event types then I use the separate Source Type which focuses on that location instead of the “author”.)
[TITLE] contains the name of the entire compilation. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [SUBTITLE] is used if there are separately named sections of compilations of interleaved events, possibly for a specific jurisdiction, for a name or date range, or different groups of combined event types such as birth/death/burial and marriage/divorce. (The element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific compilation if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this compilation.)
Since the title of a combined compilation does not indicate a single specific event type, the event type of the entry being cited should be identified at the beginning of the [CD] of each citation. The [CD] is optional to permit this Source Type to be cited to a TMG tag indicating the compilation was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the compilation only contains entries for a single type of event I use the separate Source Type for such compilations.) [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this compilation, from smallest to largest separated by commas. It usually begins with the name of the town or equivalent smallest governmental entity which is covered by this register. It is unconditional but should usually have something entered, although if empty will output the text “unknown juridiction”. (The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] is not used as this Source Type’s bibliography entry sorts by the “author(s)”, not geographically.) [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire compilation. A compilation is typically published by some entity, and thus [PUBLISHER], [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] and [PUBLISH DATE] record that. [PUBLISHER] is unconditional thus even if empty will output “” which allows only any one, any two, or all three of these elements to be entered and the punctuation will still work. [PUBLISHER] possibly with a [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] could be used if a larger jurisdiction other than the actual jurisdiction covered by the register “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the combined register, e.g. a county registrar or state archives. If there is just a compilation date which is usually different than the dates covered by the compilation, it could be entered in [PUBLISH DATE]. Custom source elements: [PEOPLE TYPE] in File Reference. Source groups in use: C, Cp, D, FR, L, P, PD, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sj, T, Vm.
MH**Government Combined Register (MJH) AB=GOVT MILR
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source which is an original register created by an entity named by a specific location (usually a governmental entity) and which interleaves, often chronologically, multiple types of events within the same register (e.g. birth, marriage, death, burial, etc.). Other data not directly associated with the specific type of event recorded by an entry may also be included in that event’s entry. (If an individual has extracted and compiled a separate source of events from original registers which interleaves and combines multiple event types, that individual is essentially an “author”. For such compilations I use the matching separate Source Type which includes and focuses on that author rather than the location entity.)
[TITLE] contains the name of the entire source document. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [REGISTER TITLE] is used if this source contains separately named registers with combined events (e.g. town record with separate named sections for different time periods, for a specific name or date range, or for different groups of combined event types such as one for birth/death/burial and another for marriage/divorce). (Note that the element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific register if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this register.)
Since the title of a combined register does not indicate a single specific event type, the event type of the entry being cited should be identified at the beginning of the [CD] of each citation. The [CD] is optional to permit this Source Type to be cited to a TMG tag indicating the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the original register is restricted to entries about a single type of event I use the separate Source Type for a single event register.) [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this register, entered from smallest to largest. It usually begins with the name of the town or equivalent smallest governmental entity which is covered by this register. The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] duplicates the location but the list of locales should be entered from largest to smallest. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire register. [PUBLISHER] is used if a larger jurisdiction other than the location or government entity covered by the register “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the register, e.g. a county register containing separate town combined registers. Custom source elements: [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
Government Document (Published)
MH**Government Event Certificate (MJH) AB=BIRT MARR DEAT BURI MILR
This Source Type can be used to create a source record for any individual certificate or document for one or more specific persons issued by an entity named by a specific location (usually a governmental entity). Thus the person or group is the focus of the entry. The specific single event can be anything associated with specific persons (e.g. a birth, marriage, divorce, death, etc.) and would be reflected in the [TITLE], e.g. Death Certificate. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location where the event took place, from smallest to largest separated by commas. This location is usually broader than the name of the specific site which is entered in [LOCATION DETAIL]. [LOCATION] is unconditional to produce “unknown” if not identified. (The custom element [LOCATION BIBLIO] is not used as this Source Type’s bibliography entry sorts by the individual(s), not geographically.) [PUBLISHER] could be a specific governmental/location entity authorized to issue the certificate for this event which could be different than where the event took place in [LOCATION]. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the event and source document obtained, e.g. Certified Copy or Original. [ORIGINAL DATE] is the date of the event. [FILE DATE] is the issue date of the document. Often other information not associated with the event (e.g. date of birth or age) may be included in such documents, but that information would be entered in the [CD]. As two date types are already included, the date the genealogist obtained the document should be entered in the [ANNOTATION]. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj, T.
MH**Government Event Compilation (MJH) AB=BIRT MARR DEAT BURI MILR
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source where an “author” has extracted and compiled records from the original registers created by an entity named by a specific location (usually a governmental entity) of a single type of event (e.g. birth, marriage, death, burial, etc.). Other data not directly associated with the specific type of event recorded by an entry may also be included in that event’s entry. The name(s) of the compiler(s) should be entered in the unconditional [COMPILER] “people” element as expected for such an element and becomes the sort focus of the Source Record. [PEOPLE TYPE] identifies the type of these people, e.g. compiler(s), translator(s). (If this source is an original government register of this type of event then I use the separate Source Type which focuses on that location instead of the “author”.)
[TITLE] contains the name of the entire compilation. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [SUBTITLE] is used if there are separately named sections of compilations for a single event type, possibly for a specific jurisdiction, or a name or date range, or separate event types. (The element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific compilation if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this compilation.)
The [CD] usually does not require identifying the event type as all entries from this source are for the same type of event. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when this register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the compilation interleaves different types of entries, such as a chronological list of births, marriages, burials, and other events, then I use the separate Source Type for such combined compilations.) [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this compilation, from smallest to largest separated by commas. It usually begins with the name of the town or equivalent smallest governmental entity which is covered by this compilation. It is unconditional but should usually have something entered, although if empty will output the text “unknown juridiction”. (The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] is not used as this Source Type’s bibliography entry sorts by compiler(s), not geographically.) [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire complilation. As this is a compilation it is typically published by some entity, and thus [PUBLISHER], [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] and [PUBLISH DATE] record that. [PUBLISHER] is unconditional thus even if empty will output “” which allows only any one, any two, or all three of these elements to be entered and the punctuation will still work. [PUBLISHER] possibly with a [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] could be used if a larger jurisdiction other than the actual jurisdiction covered by the compilation “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the combined register, e.g. a county registrar or state archives. If there is just a compilation date which is usually different than the dates covered by the compilation, it could be entered in [PUBLISH DATE]. Custom source elements: [PEOPLE TYPE] in File Reference. Source groups in use: C, Cp, D, FR, L, P, PD, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sj, T, Vm.
MH**Government Event Register (MJH) AB=BIRT MARR DEAT BURI MILR
This Source Type can be used to create a Source Record for any source which is an original register created by an entity named by a specific location (usually a governmental entity) of a single type of event (e.g. birth, marriage, death, burial, etc.). Other data not directly associated with the event which is the focus of the register may also be included in that event’s entry.(If an individual has extracted and compiled a separate source of this type of event from original registers, that individual is essentially an “author” which requires the matching separate Source Type for such compilations to include and focus on that author.)
[TITLE] contains the name of the entire source document. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [REGISTER TITLE] is used if this source contains separately named registers of this event type (e.g. sections for registers for each type of event from specific locations or government entities, or sections for specific name or date ranges). (Note that the element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group could be added to a local customized Source Record of a specific register if it is desired to link to a Source Pseudo Person created for this register.)
The [CD] usually does not require identifying the event type as all entries from this source are for the same type of event. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when this register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. (If the register interleaves different types of events in a single register, such as a chronological town register of births, marriages, burials, and other events, use the separate Source Type for these combined registers.) [JURISDICTION] contains the complete list of locales which defines the location covered by this register, entered from smallest to largest. It usually begins with the name of the town or equivalent smallest governmental entity which is covered by this register. The custom element [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] duplicates the location but the list of locales should be entered from largest to smallest. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range covered by the entire register. [PUBLISHER] is used if a larger jurisdiction other than the location or government entity covered by the register “published” (collected/compiled a copy of) the register, e.g. a county register containing separate town event registers. Custom source elements: [JURISDICTION BIBLIO] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
**Government Register (MJH) AB=GOVT
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records or Government Records.]
[REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a source of multiple registers (e.g. town record with separate sections for different purposes). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION DETAIL] is used if the register only covers a smaller area than the recording governmental [JURISDICTION]. The [JURISDICTION] for the U.S. is typically a state, county, or municipality and I do not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. Even though these are usually government records they may have been compiled by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a town register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger governmental entity other than the actual location published the register, e.g. County publication of a town’s records. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
International Genealogical Index (™) (IGI) Entry
MH**International Genealogical Index™ (MJH) AB=GENL GOVT
Most of my sources using this type are citations created before much of this information was moved to on-line databases. The fact that it is filmed and its film number would show from the Repository information. Source groups in use: C, D, En, FN, Pb, PL, RA, Rp, RR, ShT, Sr, T.
I have chosen to modify this standard template, see below.
MH**Interview (MJH) AB=INTV
With my “lumper” philosophy, I could use the structure of my Correspondence template above, but have chosen to modify the standard Interview template for this purpose. WARNING: Both Title and Short Title are conditional in the Full Footnote but only a conditional Short Title exists in the Short Footnote. Due to the nature of a conditional Short Title nothing will output if it is empty, it will not duplicate Title. Thus even if the Title has text that data will not appear in the Short Footnote unless the Short Title has text, probably abbreviated from the Title. However there are cases when there is no Title but I want to have some text for “cited as”, or I only want a Title in the Full Footnote but nothing in the Short Footnote, so this dual conditional structure is useful. [RECORD TYPE] describes the type of interview, e.g. “in person” or “by phone”. [INFORMANT] , [INTERVIEWER], and [TRANSCRIBER] should be entered “surname, given” as with all names. The element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group is used to link to an Interview Source Pseudo Person if one is created for the source person interviewed.32 (While this value only displays in Second Site, I include it in the examples below to show its use.) Custom source elements: [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group, [TRANSCRIBER] in Compiler, [INTERVIEW LOCATION] in Second Location. Source groups in use: A, C, Cp, D, L, L2, P2, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, T.
MH**LDS Patron Sheets (MJH) AB=GENL
My LDS Patron Sheets and LDS Pedigree Resource are similar structures and probably should be combined (lumped) to a generalized genealogical resource source type. The LDS Church archives all forms of genealogical information including such things as LDS enrollments and data in the form of Family Group records, Individual records, and Pedigree charts. The LDS Ancestral File™ (now LDS FamilySearch™) is a searchable database of such genealogical information submitted by individuals, and can be used as the source itself. See also my Ancestral File or Electronic Database templates as alternatives. In some cases that database will point to a FHL microfilm with an image of the original submission. When possible I prefer to view such originals and will access the film through the FHL. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. The [SERIES] element allows “lumping” or “splitting” sources as desired. For example, I usually lump all of an enrollment batch as a single source with the [CD] containing the specific sheet and data, and the [CM] containing the submitter information and/or Stake. If an entire “split” source, e.g. a batch number, was submitted from a single Stake, I use that Stake as the [PUBLISHER ADDRESS]. Since my style is to put the FHL film number as the [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] when I actually view the film, there is no need for the [FILM] element in the templates. However, when the Patron Sheet data is viewed on-line, the only provided reference grouping is often the FHL film number. When I am using this template instead of my Ancestral File template the film number would then go in the [SERIES] element. In the on-line situation the Repository would be the Ancestral File™ (now LDS FamilySearch™) on-line database. Source groups in use: C, D, Pb, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sr, T
MH**LDS Pedigree Resource (MJH) AB=GENL
My LDS Patron Sheets and LDS Pedigree Resource are similar structures and probably should be combined (lumped) to a generalized genealogical resource source type. The Pedigree Resource File is a lineage-linked database of records submitted by individuals, and usually involves either the on-line index or the set of published CD-ROMs. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. The [SERIES] element allows “lumping” or “splitting” sources as desired, and I usually “lump” at a CD-ROM, with all other details in the [CD] Source groups in use: C, D, Pb, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, Sr, T.
I prefer to use my more general Correspondence source type for letters. However, if I were to use this separate source type, I would likely change it as follows, which makes more of the fields optional, and follows my convention of reserving [COMMENTS], etc. for the bibliography. WARNING: Both Title and Short Title are conditional in the Full Footnote but only a conditional Short Title exists in the Short Footnote. Due to the nature of a conditional Short Title nothing will output if it is empty, it will not duplicate Title. Thus even if the Title has text that data will not appear in the Short Footnote unless the Short Title has text, probably abbreviated from the Title. However there are cases when there is no Title but I want to have some text for “cited as”, or I only want a Title in the Full Footnote but nothing in the Short Footnote, so this dual conditional structure is useful.
Manuscript (Filmed for Distribution)
Manuscript (Filmed, Limited Distribution)
MH**Manuscript (MJH) AB=MANU
For unpublished manuscripts I often use the appropriate Source Type for the kind of source and simply identify this as a “Manuscript” in the [PUBLISHER] element . Source groups in use: A, C, D, Pb, PL, RA, RM, Rp, RR, T.
There are several Source Types included with TMG for records documenting marriage. For alternative Source Types to use see instead Church Records or Government Records.
Marriage (Church - Certificate)
Marriage (Church - Copy, Copyist Known)
Marriage (Church - Copy, Copyist Unknown)
Marriage (Church - Original Record)
**Marriage Certificate (MJH) AB=MARR
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of the Second Site Source Page. I now use my new Church Event Certificate Source Type for all types of church certificates, or my new Church Event Certificate Source Type for all types of church certificates. I have left this Source Type in the book as an alternate example for such sources.]
This source was for an individual certificate or document of marriage. [SPOUSES’ NAMES] should be entered “groom-surname, given; bride-surname, given” as with all names. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION] is usually the name of the parish or place where the marriage took place, which is typically broader than the name of the site or church which is entered in [LOCATION DETAIL]. [PUBLISHER] is usually a specific governmental or religious entity authorized to issue certificates, which likely has a different name than the [LOCATION]. [TITLE] is the kind of document, e.g. Certificate of Marriage. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the document, e.g. Certified Copy. [DATE] is issue date of the document. If the actual date of the marriage is different, the date of the ceremony would be identified in the [CD]. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location, [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, L, L2, Pb, PL, RA, RN, Rp, RR, RT, ShT Sj, T.
**Marriage Church Register (MJH) AB=MARR
[The following is a Source Type which I used before I decided to change several Source Types to have Bibliography templates which would sort geographically as a result of adding custom sorting of my Second Site Source Page. I now use my new Church Event Register Source Type for any church register which records a single type of event. My new Church Combined Register Source Type is used for any church register which intermingles multiple types of event, usually chronologically. For sources of this type of data which are compilations by an author I use the separate equivalent Source Type of either Church Event Compilation or Church Combined Compilation. I have left this Source Type in the book as an alternate example for such sources.]
Although I defined them as different Source Types, I used this same structure for multiple types that dealt with church registers. [REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a register with multiple types of entries (e.g. Bishop’s transcripts with combined Baptism, Marriage, and Burial registers). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. Even though these are church records they may have been compiled by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a church register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [JURISDICTION] is usually the name of the parish or area covered by the register, which is typically different from the name of the [CHURCH]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger ecclesiastical jurisdiction other than the actual church parish published the register, e.g. the Archdeaconry. Custom source elements: [CHURCH] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
**Marriage Register (MJH) AB=MARR
[REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a source of multiple registers (e.g. town record with separate sections for births and deaths). Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [LOCATION DETAIL] is used (instead of church) if the register only covers a smaller area than the recording governmental [JURISDICTION]. The [JURISDICTION] for the U.S. is typically the state and I do not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as county in England, but I then follow with the country name. Even though these are usually government records they may have been compiled by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] element is used. If the register interleaves different types of entries in a single register, e.g. a town register of events chronologically, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. [VOLUME] identifies the date and/or name range. [PUBLISHER ADDRESS] is used if a larger governmental entity other than the actual location published the register, e.g. County publication of a town’s transcripts. Custom source elements: [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, L, L2, PL, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
Military - Service File (Filmed)
MH**Miscellaneous (MJH) AB=ZZZZ
This general purpose source template has the maximum possible source element groups that TMG will accommodate on its various input screens, and should suffice for any source type that does not have its own template. All names should be entered “surname, given”. Since using this type implies the source type doesn’t fit anything predefined, I always enter a [RECORD TYPE], which is unconditional. That also permits the punctuation to work for the preceding three optional elements in the templates. Use [SUBTITLE] and/or [TITLE] depending upon whether you want quotes or italics. [SHORT TITLE] is not used. [ORIGINAL DATE] is used for the item’s date since [PUBLISH DATE] is already in the DATE group. If any of [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER] or [PUBLISH DATE] is entered, you must enter something in all three to make the punctuation work. [REPOSITORY] is unconditional to ensure “unknown repository” if I do not enter it, and to make its surrounding punctuation work. Source groups in use: A, C, D, D2, En, L, L2, P2, Pb, PL, RA, RM, Rp, RR, RT, SbT, Sj, Sr, T, Vm.
National Archives Film/Fiche (Basic Form)
National Archives Manuscript (Basic Form)
National Archives Regional (Unofficial Film Holdings)
There are several Source Types included with TMG for obituaries. I have settled on my one general Source Type “Obituary/Newspaper Article” for recording this information.
Could “lump” multiple articles from the same newspaper into a single source for just the newspaper on that date by using split citations and putting the article title in [CD1]. However, I use my modified version of this template below.
MH**Obituary/Newspaper Article (MJH) AB=NEWS
Whenever an article is reproduced, republished, or transcribed separately, it will invariably have a separate repository from the actual newspaper. In this case I do not use the “lumped” source type style described above, since I will want the article details, such as the title, in the Bibliography template. While this may result in multiple bibliography entries for the same newspaper edition, this is desired since each article may be in a different repository with separate [ANNOTATION] and [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] elements. The source type is similar to my custom “lumped” style below, but differs in which templates include the elements for the article details.
[NEWSPAPER] is unconditional but could be empty and will then print as “unknown newspaper” in the Full Footnote and Bibliography. [ARTICLE TITLE] is conditional in the Full Footnote, but unconditional in the Bibliography and if empty will print there as “unknown article title”. If the [ARTICLE TITLE] is left blank, include some description of the article in the [ANNOTATION]. If you create a Source Definition where both [NEWSPAPER] and [ARTICLE TITLE] are empty/unknown, at least include a [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] or more usually have some guess or comment in the [ANNOTATION] so that all untitled articles from unknown newspapers do not lump under one definition/entry in the TMG Bibliography. [SHORT ARTICLE TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote. It may be left empty if Article Title has text which is what will output. Otherwise it should include something, even just “Unknown article title” (capitalized), but may include Subject or other data. If abbreviated text is entered in the conditional [SHORT NEWSPAPER TITLE] there must be text entered in the Short Article Title to make the FF sentence punctuation work. [DATE] is unconditional so that when not identified will print out “n.d.”. Currently I do not use the [PUBLISHER] element, but may revisit this. I considered including a [SUBJECT] element for the people that are the subject of the article, but choose to include that information in either the [CD] or [CM] or article title as appropriate. [EDITION] should be used either for the edition number in a publication series (e.g. Volume 18, No. 5) that is equivalent to this date, or for a specific edition (e.g. city edition) among many on that date if the article does not exist or is not on the same page in every edition. [SECTION] is a named (e.g. Business section) or numbered (e.g. sec. 3) section of the newspaper. [PAGES] is only included in the Bibliography template and identifies the page(s), and perhaps column(s), spanned by the entire article, not just the bit being cited. [CD] includes the page and column (e.g. p. 3, col. 4), and maybe a subheading, of the specific data within the overall article being referenced by that citation.
While the Chicago Manual of Style recommends sorting the Bibliography by name of newspaper, I prefer the guidelines in Evidence Explained which sorts them by location. Thus I include both [LOCATION] and [LOCATION BIBLIO] elements to have the location data in different orders in the Full Footnote and Bibliography. [LOCATION] is an unconditional element but could be empty and will then print as “unknown location” in the footnotes. If [LOCATION BIBLIO] was unconditional, when empty it would not produce meaningful text in the Bibliography. Thus if part of the location can be presumed, enter just “unknown location” or as much of the location as appropriate in this element, but ending with “unknown location” with an initial lowercase,33 e.g enter “Michigan, unknown location”.
Custom source elements: [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group, [SECTION] in Record Type, [NEWSPAPER] in Title, and [LOCATION BIBLIO] in Second Location. Source groups in use: A, C, D, D2, En, L, L2, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, RT, SbT, ShSb, ShT, T.
**Obituary/Newspaper Lumped (MJH) AB=NEWS
One could “lump” multiple articles from the same newspaper into a single source record which only contained source element data about that newspaper on that date. Anything specific to the article could be included in the [CD] or [CM], possibly using split citations and (for example) putting the article title in [CD1].
Even when I wish to “lump” all articles from a single edition into a single TMG bibliographic reference, I still prefer a separate source record per article or column in the Master Source List. TMG’s automatic Bibliographic “lumping” feature facilitates this, although they will not be lumped in Second Site. This custom source type excludes the details of each separate article, such as the title, from the Bibliography template so TMG will automatically “lump” or merge all these identical bibliography entries to the same newspaper on that date into one entry. However, the Footnote templates may include details specific to the article being cited, including the page/column numbers. This source type should only be used if all the citations to this editition used the identical source, such as a copy of the actual newspaper, or an archive image or facsimile or collection of transcriptions of the newspaper. Using this source type still allows separate articles to have separate TMG source records, but any source elements or data specific to the article may only be included in the Full or Short Footnote templates, or the [CD] and [CM]. WARNING: this lumping requires for each of these separate TMG source records the data in those elements which are used in the Bibliographic template be identical for that same newspaper to generate identical bibliography entries which can be merged. Thus such Bibliographic elements such as [ANNOTATION] and [REPOSITORY] and [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] must be identical for all of these separate source records. The safest way to ensure this is to copy an existing source record to that newspaper edition to create a source record for another article from that same edition.
[NEWSPAPER] is an unconditional element but could be empty and will then print as “unknown newspaper” in the Full Footnote and Bibliography. If empty/unknown, include a [REPOSITORY REFERENCE] or use the [ANNOTATION] to make a guess or comment so that all unknown newspapers do not lump under one entry in the Bibliography. [ARTICLE TITLE] is conditional in the Full Footnote, but does not exist in the Bibliography. If the [ARTICLE TITLE] is left blank, include some description of the article in the [ANNOTATION]. [SHORT ARTICLE TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote. It may be left empty if Article Title has text which is what will output. Otherwise it should include something, even just “Unknown article title” (capitalized), but may include Subject or other data. If abbreviated text is entered in the conditional [SHORT NEWSPAPER TITLE] there must be text entered in the Short Article Title to make the FF sentence punctuation work. [DATE] is unconditional so that when not identified will print out “n.d.”. Since the Bibliography entry will be “lumped” from several articles which may be obtained at different times, the optional custom source element [DATE OBTAINED] is specific to the article and thus only in the Full Footnote template. Currently I do not use the [PUBLISHER] element, but may revisit this. I considered including a [SUBJECT] element for the people that are the subject of the article, but choose to include that information in either the [CD] or [CM] or article title as appropriate. [EDITION] should be used either for the edition number in a publication series (e.g. Volume 18, No. 5) that is equivalent to this date, or for a specific edition (e.g. city edition) among many on that date if the article does not exist or is not on the same page in every edition. [SECTION] is a named (e.g. Business section) or numbered (e.g. sec. 3) section of the newspaper. [PAGES] is only included in the Full Footnote template and identifies the page(s), and perhaps column(s), spanned by this specific article, not just the bit being cited. [CD] includes page and column (e.g. p. 3, col. 4), and maybe a subheading, of the specific data within the overall article being referenced by that citation.
While the Chicago Manual of Style recommends sorting the Bibliography by name of newspaper, I prefer the guidelines in Evidence Explained which sorts them by location. Thus I include both [LOCATION] and [LOCATION BIBLIO] elements to have the location data in different orders in the Full Footnote and Bibliography. [LOCATION] is an unconditional element but could be empty and will then print as “unknown location” in the footnotes. If [LOCATION BIBLIO] was unconditional, when empty it would not produce meaningful text in the Bibliography. Thus if part of the location can be presumed, enter just “unknown location” or as much of the location as appropriate in this element, but ending with “unknown location” with an initial lowercase,34 e.g enter “Michigan, unknown location”.
Custom source elements: [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group, [SECTION] in Record Type, [NEWSPAPER] in Title, and [LOCATION BIBLIO] in Second Location. Source groups in use: A, C, D, D2, En, L, L2, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, RT, SbT, ShSb, ShT, T.
An alternative method for obituaries once proposed by Elizabeth Churchett on the ListServ creates two different source templates, one for when you know at least the newspaper it’s from, and one for when you only have an obit clipping from an unknown newspaper. [BIBLIOGRAPHY ADDRESS] is her custom Source Element (see my similar custom elements in Second Location) to have the location print out state first, then city/county.
Obituary (unidentified newspaper) (EC)
As noted above [BIBLIOGRAPHY ADDRESS] is Elizabeth Churchett’s custom Source Element (see my similar custom elements in Second Location) to have the location print out state first, then city/county.
MH**Passenger List (MJH) AB=PASS
[REGISTER TITLE] is used for the sub-part if [TITLE] is for a source of multiple registers (e.g. separate crew, passenger and steerage lists). [VOLUME] is used if the [TITLE] includes more than one passenger list. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [SHIP NAME] should be the full, official name of the vessel, but should not include any commas since this is a People element. If text is not entered in [SHORT TITLE] since unconditional in the Full Footnote it will duplicate Title. If text is entered in [SHORT TITLE] it should abbreviate the full register and volume name and will be preceded by the [SHIP NAME] in the SF. (Normally I would put a “Cited as” phrase in the FF, but since you cannot use the [SHIP NAME] element twice in the FF template, I simply don’t include that phrase.) [ENTRY PORT] is optionally used for the name of the port if different than the [LOCATION] which is usually the city name. Even though these are usually government records they may have been compiled from one or more sources by an individual, then the optional [COMPILER] and [COMPILE DATE] elements are used. If the lists are a publication, the source type Records (Multi-Volume) may be more appropriate. The details of the specific entry or entries is in the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when the register was searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. I usually do not add the image or transcription of the text as an exhibit. If it is short enough I include it in the [CM]. Otherwise I add a following Transcript tag which I can selectively choose whether to include in reports. Custom source elements: [ENTRY PORT] in Second Location; and [ARRIVAL DATE] as an element name in the Second Date group as a memory jog. Source groups in use: Cp, D, D2, L, L2, P2, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, ShT, T, Vm.
Periodical (Issued in Multiple Series)
MH**Photograph (MJH) AB=PHOT
This general purpose template can be used for any photograph or equivalent visual record of a specific time which is a separate entity. An image within some other object, such as a book, would use the source type of the containing object with the image identified in the citation detail. The [SUBJECT] should either include the names of the people identified in the image, or the subject matter if there are no people. [TITLE] identifies the type of image, such as “Family snap shot”, “Home movie”, “Commercial studio photo”, etc. The text for [DATE] and [LOCATION] can either be specific or approximate. [MEMO1] is the first part of the split Source Memo and includes any annotations or identification that is physically with or on the image. General source annotation can be put in [MEMO2]. Source groups in use: C, D, L, RA, Rp, RM, RR,
Photo, Potrait, or Illustration (Archival) (With Annotation)
Photograph (Private Possession) (Annotated with Provenance)
MH**Published Location work (MJH) AB=(various to match type of work)
This source template is based on the my general Published work template but is for the specific case where the entire work is focused on a specific geographic location. It is designed to cause the bibliographic entry to sort geographically.
Text is required in the unconditional [TITLE] element to ensure something will output as [SHORT TITLE] in the Short Footnote. A separate [SUBTITLE] of the publication can be entered if you want it in quotes. For a published collection of articles, the name of the publication in the [TITLE] will be in italics and an article title entered in the [SUBTITLE] field will be quoted. NOTE: A true subtitle normally is entered in the same Source Element with the title, following the title and separated by a colon, all in italics. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but Title is unconditional in Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. If no text is entered for [SHORT TITLE] the “cited as” in the Full Footnote will not output and the Short Footnote will simply output the title text.
All names, such as [AUTHOR], should be entered “surname, given”. If the people in Author are truly authors [PEOPLE TYPE] is left blank, otherwise it identifies the type of these people, usually “editor” or “editors”. For this template test should be entered in [LOCATION] with the locales entered in the normal smallest to largest order unless the Title includes the location which is why it is conditional. But the corresponding [SUBJECT] may also be used if this MSL entry is specific to a person or topic in addition to the location. The unconditional custom element [LOCATION BIBLIO] separately identifies the location but the list of locales should be entered from largest to smallest. If this specific source record is for only part of a publication, these location fields also can be used to indicate the portion of this complete work within that publication, e.g. pp. 287-291. While the subject/location fields are included in the Footnote templates, the [CD] is likely to indicate the specific portion within the work, e.g. p. 289. If you cite multiple subjects/locations from the same publication and wish to have a single TMG Bibliographic entry in TMG reports for the publication but separate source records in the Master Source List for each subject/location, one could use the “Published work - combined” template below. [ORIGINAL DATE] is used for the item’s date since [PUBLISH DATE] is already in the [DATE] group. If any of [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER] or [PUBLISH DATE] is entered, you must enter something in all three to make the punctuation work. [REPOSITORY] is unconditional to ensure “unknown repository” if I do not enter it. Custom source elements: [PEOPLE TYPE] in File Reference, [LOCATION BIBLIO] in Second Location. The custom element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group is used to link to a Source Pseudo Person if one is created for this source.35 (While this value only displays in Second Site, I include it in the examples below to show its use.) If I am linking to a Pseudo Person I should have a [TITLE]. Source groups in use: A, C, D, D2, En, L, L2, Pb, PL, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, Sj, T, Vm.
A [TITLE] is unconditional in italics, and the conditional [SUBTITLE] will be in quotes. [ORIGINAL DATE] is used for the item’s date. If any of [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER] or [PUBLISH DATE] is entered, you must enter something in all three to make the punctuation work. [REPOSITORY] is unconditional to ensure “unknown repository” if not entered. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in [PSEUDO PERSON] and not in the template. [LOCATION] is used if it is not included in the title. [LOCATION BIBLIO] is used because the entire work is focused on a given geographic location and sorts the bibliography entry by that location.
MH**Published work (MJH) AB=(various to match type of work)
This general purpose source template should suffice for most any published work, including articles from journals, etc. If the entire Source Record focuses on a geographic location use the custom Published Location work template instead. Text is required in the unconditional [TITLE] element to ensure something will output as [SHORT TITLE] in the Short Footnote. A separate [SUBTITLE] of the publication can be entered if you want it in quotes. For a published collection of articles, the name of the publication in the [TITLE] will be in italics and an article title entered in the [SUBTITLE] field will be quoted. NOTE: A true subtitle normally is entered in the same Source Element with the title, following the title and separated by a colon, all in italics. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but Title is unconditional in Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. If no text is entered for [SHORT TITLE] the “cited as” in the Full Footnote will not output and the Short Footnote will simply output the title text.
All names, such as [AUTHOR], should be entered “surname, given”. If the people in Author are truly authors [PEOPLE TYPE] is left blank, otherwise it identifies the type of these people, usually “editor” or “editors”. Use [SUBJECT] and/or its corresponding [LOCATION] if this MSL entry is specific to a person or topic. If this specific source record is for only part of a publication, these fields also can be used to indicate the portion of this complete work within that publication, e.g. pp. 287-291. While the subject/location fields are included in the Footnote templates, the [CD] is likely to indicate the specific portion within the work, e.g. p. 289. If you cite multiple subjects/locations from the same publication and wish to have a single TMG Bibliographic entry in TMG reports for the publication but separate source records in the Master Source List for each subject/location, use the “Published work - combined” template below. [ORIGINAL DATE] is used for the item’s date since [PUBLISH DATE] is already in the [DATE] group. If any of [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER] or [PUBLISH DATE] is entered, you must enter something in all three to make the punctuation work. [REPOSITORY] is unconditional to ensure “unknown repository” if I do not enter it. Custom source elements: [PEOPLE TYPE] in File Reference. The custom element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group is used to link to a Source Pseudo Person if one is created for this source.36 (While this value only displays in Second Site, I include it in the examples below to show its use.) If I am linking to a Pseudo Person I should have a [TITLE]. Source groups in use: A, C, D, D2, En, L, L2, P2, Pb, PL, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, Sj, T, Vm.
Use [TITLE] and/or [SUBTITLE] depending upon whether you want italics or quotes. [ORIGINAL DATE] is used for the item’s date. If any of [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER] or [PUBLISH DATE] is entered, you must enter something in all three to make the punctuation work. [REPOSITORY] is unconditional to ensure “unknown repository” if not entered. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in [PSEUDO PERSON] and not in the template.
**Published work-combined (MJH) AB=(various to match type of work)
This source template is essentially the same as “Published work” above. Its Full and Short Footnote templates are the same, but as the Bibliographic template does not contain subject/location Source Elements it will combine multiple separate source records for each subject/location in the Master Source List for this same published work into a single Bibliographic entry in TMG reports (but not in the Second Site source page). As my primary output is Second Site I currently do not use this source type.
For this special usage it is important that these subject/location Elements themselves not appear in the Bibliographic template. Simply hiding their text in the Bibliography template from TMG with the appropriate Embedded Format Codes will not work as TMG will see such bibliographic entries as different.37 All names should be entered “surname, given”. Use [SUBTITLE] and/or [TITLE] of the publication depending upon whether you want quotes or italics. Normally I use only one or the other, but for a published collection of articles, the article title is entered in the [SUBTITLE] field and the name of the publication in the [TITLE]. NOTE: A true subtitle should be entered in the same Source Element with the title, following the title and separated by a colon. Use [SUBJECT] and its corresponding [LOCATION], or [SECOND PERSON] and its corresponding [SECOND LOCATION], depending upon whether you want quotes, but these are output only in the footnotes. [ORIGINAL DATE] is used for the item’s date since [PUBLISH DATE] is already in the [DATE] group. If any of [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER] or [PUBLISH DATE] is entered, you must enter something in all three to make the punctuation work. [REPOSITORY] is unconditional to ensure “unknown repository” if I do not enter it. Care should be taken to ensure the [ANNOTATION] does not refer to a specific subject/location or the multiple bibliographic sentences will be different and will not combine. The custom element [PSEUDO PERSON] in the Pages group is used to link to a Source Pseudo Person if one is created for this source.38 (While this value only displays in Second Site, I include it in the examples below to show its use.) If I am linking to a Pseudo Person I should have a [TITLE]. Source groups in use: A, C, D, D2, En, L, L2, P2, Pb, PL, Pg, RA, Rp, RR, SbT, Sj, Sr, T, Vm.
Combines multiple separate MSL records for each subject/location from the same work into a single Bibliographic entry. Ensure the [ANNOTATION] does not refer to a specific subject/location. Use [SUBTITLE] and/or [TITLE] depending upon whether you want quotes or italics. Use [SUBJECT] or [SECOND PERSON] depending upon whether you want quotes. [ORIGINAL DATE] is used for the item’s date. If any of [PUBLISHER ADDRESS], [PUBLISHER] or [PUBLISH DATE] is entered, you must enter something in all three to make the punctuation work. [REPOSITORY] is unconditional to ensure “unknown repository” if not entered. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in [PSEUDO PERSON] and not in the template.
MH**Records (Multi-Volume) (MJH) AB=(various to match type of work)
This template is for types of records for which I have not defined a specific template and are published in multiple volumes. [COMPILER] defines either the compiler or editor of the series and is entered “surname, given” as are all name fields. Since this is a multi-volume source, [TITLE] and [VOLUME] are unconditional fields and specify the title of the series and how each volume is sequentially identified. [SUBTITLE] is optionally used for the name of the specific volume if it differs from [TITLE]. If the record interleaves different types of entries in a single volume, e.g. a register of events chronologically or multiple types of records in a volume, put the type of entry at the beginning of the [CD]. The [CD] is optional to permit this template type to be used when these records were searched, but no information found, which would be explained in the [CM]. If no text is entered for [SHORT TITLE] it will simply output the title. If an abbreviated title is entered it will not appear in a “Cited as” phrase but will output in the SF. Otherwise the presence of an abbreviated [SHORT SUBTITLE] will produce a “Cited by” phrase in the FF, and it will output in the SF following either the full Title or a Short Title if one was entered. Since this is a published series [PUBLISHER] is an unconditional field, thus even if empty will output “” which allows only any one, any two, or all three of the Publisher elements to be entered and the punctuation will still work. Source groups in use: C, Cp, D, SbT, ShSb, ShT, Pb, PL, RA, Rp, RR, T, Vm.
MH**School Record (MJH) AB=SCHL
This source is for an individual certificate or document associated with schooling. [TITLE] is the kind of document, e.g. School Registration. Though [SHORT TITLE] is unconditional in the Short Footnote but [TITLE] is unconditional in the Full Footnote, due to the nature of Short Title any text for it is actually optional and thus it can be conditional in Full Footnote. [RECORD TYPE] gives specifics about the document, e.g. Certified Copy. [LOCATION DETAIL] is the entity or specific office within the jurisdiction that issued the certificate or document, usually the name of the school. The [JURISDICTION] is the area covered by the issuing entity. For the U.S. it will typically be a local school district or the state where the college is located and I will not include USA, in other countries it will typically be something equivalent, such as parish in England, but I then follow with the more full location and country name. [FILE DATE] is issue date of the document. The actual date(s) (and if identified the location) as well as the personal details of the schooling event is in the [CD]. Custom source elements: [DATE OBTAINED] in the Second Date group, [LOCATION DETAIL] in Second Location. Source groups in use: C, D, D2, FN, L, L2, RA, Rp, RR, RT, ShT, Sj, T.
For this type of source, see my own Passenger List template.
Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
I made the [SUBJECT], [FILE NUMBER] and [CD] optional so I could cite the SSDI without them but with a [CM] indicating that the index was searched but an entry was not found. Since this is a published work [PUBLISHER] is an unconditional field, thus even if empty will output “” which allows only any one, any two, or all three of the Publisher elements to be entered and the punctuation will still work. Source groups in use: C, D, En, FN, Pb, PL, RA, Rp, RR, ShT, Sj, Sr, T.
Will (Unrecorded, Consulted Off-Site)
There was lots of discussion about what is the repository and what is the source, and whether to “lump” or “split”, this type of recorded data, with lots of suggestions39 on the TMG ListServ. Instead I choose to use my Burial Certificate source type, but identify the [TITLE] as a “Gravestone” for those gravestones which I have seen, and my Electronic Database source type or my FindAGrave specific source templates for tombstone data which I cannot verify and that may exist solely on a site like FindAGrave.
I considered this example, and then constructed my more general purpose Published Work template to fulfill this need.
[TITLE] would be the type of personal record concerning this individual, e.g. Delayed Birth Certificate. [NAME OF PERSON] should be entered “last name, given” like all names. Instead of this general type, I decided to use the type of record as the template, e.g. Birth Certificate. This kind of source could also be entered associated with the issuing agency of the document.
• Phone Call - Rather than a separate type, I have included this as either part of my Correspondance type or my Interview type depending upon the nature of the call with the [RECORD TYPE] specified as “by phone”.
• MINE [knowledge/conclusion/assumption/wild guess] if I have a separate document that records my comments. While I haven’t created this as a separate source type, nor entered such a source yet, I am more likely to use either the Interview type with myself as the Informant, or an unpublished Manuscript type for my own document. However, I plan to use the Abbreviation as shown.
• Record-Index (e.g. SSDI) - I have defined a separate type for the SSDI, and this type could be a model if I needed a general type for indices.
Endnotes |
1. Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence! Citation and Analysis for the Family Historian (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co, 1997). Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2007). 2. As stated in TMG Help: “Source templates are constructed by Wholly Genes, Inc., according to our particular interpretation of the style guides mentioned above and are not intended to suggest endorsement on the part of their authors, nor do we warrant that they accurately reflect the intentions of those authors. Users are encouraged to consult the style guides in question to ensure proper usage.” 3. My personal copy is: The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th edition, Revised and Expanded. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982. 4. Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2007) section 2.2 page 42, “Among these options, The Chicago Manual’s Humanities Style has been the most effective for history researchers. Evidence Explained is rooted in that style.” 5. Diane L. Garner; Diane H. Smith. The Complete Guide to Citing Government Information Resources: A Manual for Social Science and Business Research, 3rd ed., revised edition, by Debora Cheney for the Government Documents Round Table, American Library Association. Bethesda, MD: Congressional Information Service, 2002. Garner citation style based on ANSI bibliographic standards. 6. Mills, Evidence, section 6.14 page 263, “While Evidence adheres to NARA Style for manuscripts, Evidence Style citations follow most presses in using a simpler format for microfilmed censuses.” 7. I need to also explore the Scottish Old Parish Records citation “models” in March 1999, NGS Quarterly, Volume 87, described within an article by Dr. Helen Hinchliff “A Right to Bear Arms? …” 8. I started with TMG’s “Custom” templates that are based on Mills. While this template list, its format, and many of the examples, were originally based on a web page published on-line by Lee H. Hoffman, which I shamelessly copied and to whom I am indebted, many of the templates and the examples have been altered, sometimes greatly, to reflect my taste. 9. Elizabeth Shown Mills, Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2007) section 3.4, page 119, “Your First Reference Note … almost always will be a fuller citation than the entry in your Source List.” 10. The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th edition, section 17.2, “A source should be given a full reference the first time it is cited in a book or article, unless it appears in an alphabetical bibliography at the end of the work.” 11. The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th edition, section 17.2, “an alphabetical bibliography at the end of the work.” 12. Mills, Evidence, section 6.3, page 258, Arrangement of Elements in Source List (Bibliography), Geographical. “This arrangement cites elements from largest to smallest, as with civil and legal records, By using it, you keep together all references that relate to a specific area.” 13. Observing the results of customizing the sorting of the Second Site Source Page in late 2019 caused me to recognize the need to dedicate these two Source Elements for this purpose. This in turn caused a major change in the “lumping” of many of my Source Types and in their templates, especially those which would want a geographic Bibliography entry, as well as forcing the redefinition of the [CHURCH] element. 14. Most bibliographic styles suggest using periods after each geographical part of a leading geographical entry, but I prefer using commas since this causes them to sort among my other bibliographic entries, such as census records, which use commas. One down-side of this choice is that a larger geographic part alone will sort after an entry of that part which also has smaller parts. This is because both the MACHINE and GENERAL collating sequences sort a trailing period character after a trailing comma character: space, comma, period, colon, semicolon. 15. Mills, Evidence, section 7.4, page 322, Citing Church as “Author”. “In citing original records created by a church—or images thereof—the church should be treated as the ‘corporate author.’” 16. Ibid., section 15.84, “When a bibliography is intended to direct the reader to other works for further reading and study, an annotated bibliography is useful.” 17. My one violation of this rule is the new inclusion of the [CHURCH] alias in the [SUBJECT] group, where I caution against including commas and semicolons. 18. Chapter 7, Getting the Most Out of The Master Genealogist, compiled and edited by Lee H. Hoffman 19. See the archives of the TMG ListServ for repeated discussions of the pros and cons of “lumping” versus “splitting” sources and other TMG entities. 20. Based on testing against Version 6.12 reported by Linda Kuhn on the TMG ListServ, the limit was the first six elements within the Bibliography template. I have not exhaustively tested this, but now can observe sorting at least through eight template elements. If there is a limit, it may now be a total number of characters rather than a number of Bibliographic elements. Need to test further in the final Version. 21. I also adopted the custom of including the characters “(MJH)” at the end of the name of my template types to distinguish in the list of Source Types my very different types from those that were still quite similar to the original. While many TMG lists provide the capability to disable or deactivate entries instead of delete, it is not possible to deactivate a specific Source Type only delete. Need to test and verify in the final Version. 22. Need to test and decide whether to add to these headings the abbreviation code to be used for every source type, not just for my modified source templates. Since currently my modified templates are the only ones I use, as of 5 March 2013 I chose not to do so and so far have not changed my mind. 23. In previous versions beginning with Version 6.12 and including Version 7, citing this source type, whether normally or as an embedded citation, still produced a numbered footnote or endnote citation. The citation text did strip the exclusion markers but now the text output consisted of only a period. Need to test in the final Version. 24. As of Version 8, full footnote output is affected by leading exclusion markers in combination with the Miscellaneous/”Show excluded data” report option. If the FullFootnote template begins with a double exclusion marker, or begins with a single exclusion marker and “Show excluded data is not checked, this source is simply never output at all, neither for any full nor short footnote/endnote nor the Bibliography. In this case the presence or absence of a leading exclusion marker in the ShortFootnote template has no affect on producing that output. Since the first full footnote form is never produced, neither a short footnote nor an Ibid is ever attempted. If the FullFootnote template and report options cause a full footnote or endnote to be output, but the ShortFootnote template has leading exclusion markers, those exclusion markers and options will affect the short footnote output. If the full footnote is output, but the ShortFootnote template begins with a double exclusion marker, or begins with a single exclusion marker and “Show excluded data” is not checked, the short footnote data is not output but a numbered footnote or endnote citation with only a period as data is output. It is not clear that such an empty short footnote is useful. While exclusion marker behavior with the footnote templates now seems predictable, I still wish there was a way to include a Bibliography-only source. Since development of TMG has ceased, need to think creatively when testing for this capability in the final Version. 25. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in the element and not in the template, otherwise Second Site will not recognize the code. Second Site HELP only mentions using this code in memos, but it will work within the text of this Source Element as an undocumented feature. The interaction between TMG codes and Second Site codes is complex. I tried nearly all combinations of structure and order to find both what would work in Second Site and what would look good both when there was PSEUDO PERSON text and when there was not. 26. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in the element and not in the template, otherwise Second Site will not recognize the code. Second Site HELP only mentions using this code in memos, but it will work within the text of this Source Element as an undocumented feature. The interaction between TMG codes and Second Site codes is complex. I tried nearly all combinations of structure and order to find both what would work in Second Site and what would look good both when there was PSEUDO PERSON text and when there was not. 29. Beginning in 2018 the FindAGrave site changed its URL format for referencing the grave records/memorials for people and their accompanying posted photographs. Thanks to the TMG Utility function “Other / Find and Replace”, using Pattern Matching I was able to globally change all these URL references in Citation Details, and Exhibit Captions and Descriptions (and event memos) to their new format. See also my conventions concerning the captions on image exhibits associated with a memorial from this site. Should a new change occur, having the URL in the Source Definition will make changing all source citations easier. 30. Besides Mills’ Evidence Explained, two on-line references I find useful for citing electronic resources are: The Columbia Guide to Online Style and the Internet Citation Guide for Genealogists originally posted on the ProgGenealogists web site but now only available from the Internet Archive WayBackMachine 31. This proposed source type is similar to the Bibliography Only source type. 32. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in the element and not in the template, otherwise Second Site will not recognize the code. Second Site HELP only mentions using this code in memos, but it will work within the text of this Source Element as an undocumented feature. The interaction between TMG codes and Second Site codes is complex. I tried nearly all combinations of structure and order to find both what would work in Second Site and what would look good both when there was PSEUDO PERSON text and when there was not. 33. Unfortunately if the entire [LOCATION] is left blank the “unknown location” prints first, and TMG leaves it lowercase. In previous versions the text code FCAP did not work in a source template. As of Version 8.05 the code works in the output, but the codes display in the Output form Previews. I could force capitalization for [LOCATION] with this code, but it would produce “Unknown Location” and would also prevent initial lowercase of interior words when an actual location is entered. Need to consider and try more options and test in the final Version. 34. Unfortunately if the entire [LOCATION] is left blank the “unknown location” prints first, and TMG leaves it lowercase. In previous versions the text code FCAP did not work in a source template. As of Version 8.05 the code works in the output, but the codes display in the Output form Previews. I could force capitalization for [LOCATION] with this code, but it would produce “Unknown Location” and would also prevent initial lowercase of interior words when an actual location is entered. Need to consider and try more options and test in the final Version. 35. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in the element and not in the template, otherwise Second Site will not recognize the code. Second Site HELP only mentions using this code in memos, but it will work within the text of this Source Element as an undocumented feature. The interaction between TMG codes and Second Site codes is complex. I tried nearly all combinations of structure and order to find both what would work in Second Site and what would look good both when there was PSEUDO PERSON text and when there was not. 36. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in the element and not in the template, otherwise Second Site will not recognize the code. Second Site HELP only mentions using this code in memos, but it will work within the text of this Source Element as an undocumented feature. The interaction between TMG codes and Second Site codes is complex. I tried nearly all combinations of structure and order to find both what would work in Second Site and what would look good both when there was PSEUDO PERSON text and when there was not. 37. Even if the elements which would output differentiating text are surrounded with [HID:][SS:]text[:SS][:HID], TMG sees these Bibliography entries as different and separately outputs them, even though the output is identical. Note that indentical Source entries in Source pages will not be combined by Second Site, so this template should be used with care if your output is to Second Site, as multiple source page entries will appear identical. 38. The Second Site PageLink structure must be entered as text in the element and not in the template, otherwise Second Site will not recognize the code. Second Site HELP only mentions using this code in memos, but it will work within the text of this Source Element as an undocumented feature. The interaction between TMG codes and Second Site codes is complex. I tried nearly all combinations of structure and order to find both what would work in Second Site and what would look good both when there was PSEUDO PERSON text and when there was not. |
I am not affiliated in any way with TMG™, its company Wholly Genes, Inc., or its primary author Bob Velke, nor with John Cardinal, author of several TMG after-market programs. I am simply a satisfied user of these software packages and have constructed these documents to aid me in their use.
If others find these documents useful, so much the better. I do not warrant in any way that they are accurate or useful, and any use of them is at the user’s own risk.
These documents were composed with Adobe® Framemaker 2019® using its hyperlink and "Save as HTML" conversion features.
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